1. Combat Rigs
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is bringing back a vital feature to the multiplayer scene. Introduced as specialists in Black Ops III, Combat Rigs follows the same trend but takes it in a different direction. Combat Rigs are essentially hero characters that all adapt to a specific playing style.
Similar to Black Ops 3, the Rigs will have a super ability once the meter is charged. These options are called the Payload or the Trait. Both are opposite of each other, as the Payload acts as the Rig’s Super Ability, while the Traits are mostly passive. The Payload can be anything from a running robot dog (that runs on all fours) that is meant to deal a large amount of damage to the enemy’s team within the given timespan. On the other hand, the Trait are meant to be used more passively, like giving players a faster speed boost or allowing you to throw down a resupply kit for teammates to restock ammo.
There will be a total of six different Combat Rigs at launch, that all can be swapped on the fly, bringing a never before seen dynamic to the multiplayer scene.
2. Health Bars
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare won’t only bring back a spin to the classic zombies mode, it will also bring new innovations to the multiplayer portion of the game. For the first time ever, the enemy’s health bar will be visible in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s multiplayer.
Enemy health bars can also be used as a playing tactic, as you will know how much of the enemy’s health is left. Players will have a clear indication of whether or not they need to pursue an enemy or retreat because you know your shots didn’t exactly hit the mark. As many know, Call of Duty is very involved in the competitive scene. Now that players can visually see an enemy’s health bar, it can be a major jump for the competitive side of things.
Only time will tell just how well-received it is to the mass public when the game releases.
3. Weapon Crafting
Weapons and Scorestreaks have always been a staple of the Call of Duty franchise. Whether it be the AC-130 or the K9 unit, Scorestreaks within each title have always played an utmost important part of the game. Both are getting new features in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Scorestreaks will follow the Scorestreak System first established in Black Ops II. You will earn streaks by not only killing enemies but also by getting assists and playing the objective.
Taking weapon variants to the next level, weapon crafting will play a much bigger role than it did in previous games. Infinite Warfare will have a large arsenal of weapons for players to acquire. You’ll have your standard assortment, classic weapons, and a wide variety of variant weapons. However, for the first time ever, players will be able to craft unique Prototype weapons. These weapons will come with special “Gun Perks” which allows alters the functionality of the weapon.
There are four different variants for each gun: Common, Rare, Legendary, and Epic. Variant weapons feature new abilities, new camo, and new perks for each specific weapon. For example, a Sniper Rifle can be upgraded to have an Epic variant with perks that specifically increase your long range shots. In order to get the variants, players must earn Salvage. Right now, the only way to get Salvage is through playing the game.
4. Zombies in Spaceland and Modern Warfare
When it boils down to it, Call of Duty has been well-known for their multiplayer and zombies mode. It seems like Infinity Ward is making a very wise decision by bringing back Zombies and the classic fan-favorite Modern Warfare Remastered (bundled) to Infinite Warfare.The new mode, Zombies in Spaceland, seems to be on the right track with replicating a mode fans loved, but this time around you’re in space fighting off cheerleaders, dancers, and jocks pulled straight out of the 80’s.
On the other hand, Modern Warfare Remastered seems to be bringing all the goods fans adored, while playing smoothly and polished like never before. The only way to get Modern Warfare Remastered is through purchasing the Legacy Edition of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, which might seem expensive, but it’s definitely worth it.
There’s no doubt that even if the game’s not all that great, both Zombies in Spaceland and Modern Warfare Remastered will make it better.
5. Sub-Franchise
Infinity Ward recently revealed that they wanted Infinite Warfare to be its own sub-franchise, similar to the Modern Warfare and Black Ops series. In an interview with Polygon,the narrative designer for Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Taylor Kurosaki, has revealed that the studio intends to make more games in the Infinite Warfare world. Now, that isn’t a horrible thing, given the fact that the game hasn’t even released yet, but Infinity Ward has gained a very bad reputation with their fanbase since the release of Call of Duty: Ghost.
As Infinity Ward pumps out the latest Call of Duty title, we can only hope that this time around, they will focus on making the best game to date. With balanced weapons, intricate maps, and most importantly an enjoyable and memorable title to the beloved franchise.
Published: Sep 8, 2016 7:58 PM UTC