Unlocking and upgrading perks in Starfield requires quite a bit of leveling up but if you have zero patience there may just be a way to speed this up. This sneaky bit of trickery is only available to PC players so unfortunately Xbox players won’t be able to use any of the codes. Technically this is considered cheating but cheat is such a strong word, I prefer to describe it as a cheeky ruse. Get ready to level up those perks as you desire by using any of the listed Starfield perk IDs below.
Starfield Perk IDs
To make use of these IDs, you’ll need to open up your command console by typing “~” and then typing in player.addperk [perkID].
For example: If you want to level up the Boxing perk, you would enter player.addperk 002C59DF. every time the command and ID is entered, that Starfield perk will increase by one. Once you have completed your ruse, exit the command console by using the ~ symbol again.
The codes cover all five skill types: Physical, Social, Combat, Science, and Tech. You can find each of these listed below:
Physical Skill Codes
Skill | Code ID |
Boxing | 002C59DF |
Fitness | 002CE2DD |
Stealth | 002CFCB2 |
Weight Lifting | 002C59D9 |
Wellness | 002CE2E1 |
Energy Weapon Dissipation | 0021B8D3 |
Environmental Conditioning | 0028AE17 |
Gymnastics | 0028AE29 |
Nutrition | 002CFCAD |
Pain Tolerance | 002CFCAE |
Cellular Regeneration | 0028AE14 |
Decontamination | 002CE2A0 |
Martial Arts | 002C5554 |
Concealment | 002C555E |
Neurostrikes | 002C53B4 |
Rejuvination | 0028AE13 |

Social Skill Codes
Skill | Code ID |
Commerce | 002C5A8E |
Gastronomy | 002C5A94 |
Persuasion | 0022EC82 |
Scavenging | 0028B853 |
Theft | 002C555B |
Deception | 002CFCAF |
Diplomacy | 002C59E1 |
Intimidation | 002C59DE |
Isolation | 002C53AE |
Negotiation | 002C555F |
Instigation | 002C555D |
Leadership | 002C890D |
Outpost Management | 0023826F |
Manipulation | 002C5555 |
Ship Command | 002C53B3 |
Xenosociology | 002C53B0 |

Combat Skill Codes
Skill | Code ID |
Ballistics | 002CFCAB |
Dueling | 002CFCB0 |
Lasers | 002C59DD |
Pistol Certification | 002080FF |
Shotgun Certification | 0027DF97 |
Demolitions | 002C5556 |
Heavy Weapons Certifications | 00147E38 |
Incapacitation | 0027DF96 |
Particle Beams | 0027BAFD |
Rifle Certification | 002CE2E0 |
Marksmanship | 002C890B |
Rapid Reloading | 002C555A |
Sniper Certification | 002C53B1 |
Targeting | 002C59DA |
Armor Penetration | 0027DF94 |
Crippling | 0027CBBA |
Sharpshooting | 002C53AF |

Science Skill Codes
Skill | Code ID |
Astrodynamics | 002C5560 |
Geology | 002CE29F |
Medicine | 002CE2DF |
Research Methods | 002C555C |
Surveying | 0027CBC1 |
Botany | 002C5557 |
Scanning | 002CFCB1 |
Spacesuit Design | 0027CBC3 |
Weapon Engineering | 002C890C |
Zoology | 002C5552 |
Astrophysics | 0027CBBB |
Chemistry | 002CE2C0 |
Outpost Engineering | 002C59E0 |
Aneutronic Fusion | 002C2C5A |
Planetary Habitation | 0027CBC2 |
Special Projects | 0004CE2D |

Tech Skill Codes
Skill | Code ID |
Ballistic Weapon Systems | 002CE2C2 |
Boost Pack Training | 00146C2C |
Piloting | 002CFCAC |
Security | 002CE2E2 |
Target Control Systems | 002c5559 |
Energy Weapon Systems | 002C59DB |
Engine Systems | 002CE2DE |
Payloads | 00143B6B |
Shield Systems | 002C2C59 |
Missile Weapon Systems | 002C5558 |
Particle Beam Weapon Systems | 002C2C5B |
Robotics | 002C5553 |
Starship Design | 002C59DC |
Starship Engineering | 002AC953 |
Automated Weapons Systems | 0027B9ED |
Boost Assault Training | 0008C3EE |
EM Weapon Systems | 002C53B2 |
Now that you know every Starfield Perk ID, you’re ready to take on the game in earnest. Or at least, you are so long as you don’t get stumped by its puzzles or quests. If this occurs, we’ve got you covered with even more helpful guides down below.
Published: Sep 7, 2023 2:09 PM UTC