destiny, age of triumph

5 Ways Age of Triumph Can Send Destiny Out with a Bang

An age of wonder.

A Deep Questline That Leads Us to the Gates of Destiny 2

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Last year’s April update really upped the ante for what to expect from these free events. It introduced great new gear, including a set that let you become a Taken Guardian (still one of the coolest/creepiest things in Destiny to date), some worthwhile weapons, and quests that were actually intriguing to play. It also reworked a few of the strikes in ways that altered the lore. This tied them in with everything that had transpired in the game so far, and gave returning players yet another reason to play it all over again.

The stakes are higher this time, though, as Bungie is preparing the stage for Destiny 2 (or whatever it ends up being called). What better way to get fans hyped for what’s on the horizon than to inject a bit of that future into the game we’ve already poured hundreds of hours into. In order for Age of Triumph to really close things off right, it needs to end in a way that leads right into the beginning of its sequel. Granted, this doesn’t have to be available immediately. Chances are that Destiny 2 is still a ways off, but Bungie can patch in something to the event, which according to its trailer, is set to be large. Either way, that small taste will have Guardians ready for the next battle.

Hopefully, some of this is on the cards. As we wait for the announcements, remember to keep your eyes on the Light.

Safe travels, Guardians.

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.