12. Wonder Tweek
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Let’s start this list by saying none of the buddies you can use in South Park: The Fractured But Whole are “bad.” It all depends on your personal preference, the strategy you like to employ, and your party composition. Even with those things in mind, if you know your way around a strategy game like this, you can just use your favorites for the most part, especially if you customize your character to fit whatever needs your party requires.
That said, Wonder Tweek is last on our list. Wonder Tweek is your typical status effect/debuffer class. He does half decent damage as well, but honestly, other classes can debuff as well, and have better damage output. He can heal too, but again, there are other more effective healers as well.
Wonder Tweek is a jack of all trades, but also a master of none. If you want a buddy that can do a little bit of everything in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, then Tweek is your guy. But if not, maybe give him a pass. His boyfriend is a lot stronger.
11. Tupperware
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Tupperware is a Brutalist/Gadgeteer combo class which is a bit of a strange combination. Gadgeteers prefer to hang back, but his brutalist attacks would rather see him up close. Other than the turret, none of his abilities do that much damage (and if you’re up close to an enemy, the turret probably won’t last all that long).
His ultimate, while it might be the most bad ass looking one in the game, isn’t as great as it seems. Even if you use all three of your volleys on a single group of enemies you probably won’t kill them.
Tupperware is best in battles where you’re going to be surrounded from all angles. He can swap places with people, spin attack when surrounded, and use turrets to cover both sides of the battlefield. His ultimate lets him attack anywhere he wants. But in most cases, you’re not going to be surrounded and there are better buddies for those situations.
10. Professor Chaos
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Professor Chaos puts his usual vendetta against Coon and Friends aside to help The New Kid in his quest. He’s… kind of just OK. His ultimate is incredibly powerful, doing massive damage and shocking foes. That said, the rest of his skillset is a little underwhelming.
His confusion attack doesn’t last long and summoning minions isn’t as helpful as it sounds. They are very weak attacking wise, you can only have one, and they don’t really serve any purpose other than tanking some damage and getting in your way. His long range attack is admittedly strong, but nothing that special.
Butters is a fine choice if you just want as much damage reduction as possible with its free minion and confusion attack. He’ll pull his weight more when he gets to use his ultimate.
9. Captain Diabetes
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Captain Diabetes is a solid tank class in South Park: The Fractured But Whole but isn’t that special either. His Sugar Rush attack is very useful for getting to the front lines, and grabbing a protective shield as well. He has two other attacks that can knockback foes and do a decent amount of damage on their own, but it’s not anything that’s all that unique.
Captain Diabetes is best if you pair him with other buddies that can also have protection gaining abilities; taking advantage of his ability to apply protection to himself, and to everyone with his ultimate attack. If that’s your strategy, then having Captain Diabetes around is smart. If not, there are better options.
8. The Coon
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
The superhero everyone is talking about, the hero South Park needs, but doesn’t deserve right now. Rising from the trash, he’s the symbol of the downtrodden and oppressed. The hero I refer to is of course Mysterion, who is higher up this list. Let’s talk about The Coon for now.
The Coon is a solid damage dealer that can rush into battle, displace enemies, and provide a bleeding effect with his claws. His ultimate is very powerful, can hit everyone on the field, and also applies a bleeding effect.
To be honest though, he’s kind of a watered down version of the Assassin class that you can wield as The New Kid. He has his perks, especially if you’re not speccing your character to be a damage dealer, but he’s not toward the top either.
7. Fastpass
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Fastpass is arguably your most mobile option when shaping how your party of superhero buddies are going to look. He can zip around the map with his naturally high mobility, rush into battle with his charge (which also makes him invisible) and can hit a single target from multiple directions with his powerful teleporting kick attack. His ultimate though is fine, but nothing that memorable.
Choosing Jimmy is pretty straightforward. If you want a highly mobile character that can get in, finish an enemy off, and get out without getting too hurt, Fastpass is your buddy. If your strategy favors a slower more methodical strategy, maybe opt for someone else.
6. Super Craig
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Super Craig is a prototypical tank class. He wants to be in your face, smacking you for solid damage and is able to take shots as well. He is very naturally bulky, and can be even bulkier after flipping off an enemy which gives Super Craig an extremely hard to crack shield and enrages enemies. His mobility does suck, yes, but he can charge toward enemies, giving him a couple of extra steps, while also applying the very useful slow status effect.
Plus, when you complete his quest with Tweek and alter their ultimates, it transforms into one of the most powerful ultimates with zero draw backs. It does a ton of damage AND confuses a wide range of enemies. Super Craig is a solid choice in just about any situation that doesn’t require sky-high mobility.
5. Human Kite
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
There are quite a few support buddies but if you want a mix of protection and healing, then the Human Kite is a great choice. Kyle can provide a shield to any ally from a distance which is a great: “I can’t hit anyone yet but at least I can do this” type of move to have in your back pocket. His heal isn’t the best in the game, but it’s helpful to have when you’re in a pinch. Kyle will pull in any nearby allies close to him and heal them. Great if that’s what you want, annoying if you didn’t want to have your position changed.
Kyle’s laser beam attack is strong, but very limited. He needs a clear line of sight on his enemy and needs to be in range. All of that said, Human Kite’s ultimate is among the most powerful in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It does an insane amount of damage and leaves anyone alive with a powerful burn effect that will wear them down.
There’s another support class up higher on this buddies list that you could go for if you want pure healing, but if you want protection too, Human Kite is a great choice.
4. Mosquito
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Mosquito is a very powerful glass cannon type attacker that needs to stay on the offensive to survive. Most of his attacks apply a life steal effect that allows him to gain health back when he attacks. As long as he doesn’t get surrounded, Mosquito can essentially go toe to toe with almost any single enemy in the game and come out on top. He can also gross out a wide range of enemies at a time while gaining Attack Up, making his life stealing attacks even more powerful.
That said, if you allow Mosquito to get swarmed, he can be a liability. He doesn’t handle groups that well. Pair him with buddies like Super Craig that can take some heat off Mosquito and marvel at his ability to take care of business, West Nile style.
3. Call Girl
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Call Girl is a bit pedestrian except for one move. Phone Destroyer. The usefulness of this one attack alone makes Call Girl worthy of a high spot on this list of buddies. With Phone Destroyer, she can hit almost any spot on the map, and apply a defense down for other buddies to take advantage of.
Her other attacks are fine. She can attack a single target for solid damage, and can block, but honestly just keep her back and have her snipe anyone that is out of range of your other attackers. Her ultimate is powerful and is one of a couple that can hit everyone on the map at once.
Wendy might be the only girl in the crew, but she definitely earns her Freedom Pal and CAF stripes.
2. Toolshed
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Toolshed is one of the best support buddies in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, thanks to his extremely potent heal effect. Not only is it among the strongest in the game, it hits for a wide area right in front of you. As long as Stan is in relatively close range, he can consistently keep the whole party at high health.
Aside from that, he also has two very useful attack moves. His dual screwdriver attack can hit enemies from nearly across the map in both directions and also knocks them back which can add some additional hurting. His drill attack is one of the few attacks in the game that can hit diagonally which allows him to join in on attacking enemies that he’s actually not that close to. Plus, it packs a powerful punch as well.
You really can’t go wrong with picking Toolshed as one of your buddies. He’s solid all around and to boot, his ultimate is one of the few single target ultimates you have available to you, great for bosses.
1. Mysterion
Best Buddies and Party Members in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Finally we reach Mysterion. The Coon’s biggest rival is also one of the most powerful buddies in the game. On the surface, he looks OK. He has a powerful single target attack, and has a couple of reverse knock back moves, helpful but nothing crazy. However he has one unique trait that none of the other buddies share, he can’t die. This works perfectly with his ultimate attack which is the most powerful in the game. It’s essentially a nuke-like attack that deals insane damage to anyone it hits, capable of 1 hit KOing many weaker enemies, while also killing Kenny too (you bastard!).
When Kenny aka Mysterion dies, though, instead of waiting there to be revived, he will return as a ghost and haunt enemies with powerful status effects. Enemies cannot attack Mysterion while in this state. To top it off, when your ultimate is recharged, you can bring Mysterion back to life while also healing any adjacent allies at the same time. Once back in his physical state, he’s good to deal out the pain yet again.
Mysterion’s ultimates are just too powerful to ignore and is why he is number 1 on our list of the best South Park: Fractured But Whole’s buddies.
Published: Oct 20, 2017 6:48 PM UTC
Published: Oct 20, 2017 02:48 pm