5 Takeaways From the FF7 Remake Trailer You Might Have Missed

Sephiroth Seems as Evil as Ever

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While only of his back and long flowing hair, we finally got a glimpse of Final Fantasy’s most infamous antagonist, Sephiroth. Amid an explosion, crumbling rubble, and Cloud out of breath, Sephiroth utters the phrase, “Can you bear to see the planet suffer… Cloud.”

This had to be the most powerful moment in the trailer and it seemed fresh (like some kind of flashback or new scene).

Even if you never played the original, you can tell that these two have a history together. Fans of the series know that Sephiroth enjoys tormenting Cloud any chance he gets. He just wants to see the world burn while ruling it at the same time.

He’s simply a classic villain who’s fallen from grace and gone mad, serving as little more than Jenova’s puppet. Will we see a new side of Sephiroth in the Remake?

My guess is not entirely, but he’s certainly a character we’re all happy to see more of despite how evil he may be.

As announced at the end of the trailer, we will know more about the game in June, most likely on or around E3. If you happened to miss the initial announcement and trailer for the game, we got you covered.

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Image of Eric Egavian
Eric Egavian
If I had to choose my spirit animal, it probably wouldn't be an animal but rather equal parts Travis Touchdown & Dante from Devil May Cry. Playing games since 1988. Some of my favorite genres include: Stylish character action, fighting games, arcade racing, and 2D sidescrollers.