5 Changes That Would Make The Last of Us Part II a Perfect Game

Out with the old.

Killable Friendly AI

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Okay, hear us out on this one first. One of the few problems with the original game was that Ellie was virtually impossible to kill, as she couldn’t attract enemies like Clickers regardless of what she did. This drastically affected the tension in some areas as her inability to even be discovered, gave a sour note to what could have been masterfully executed sequences. There’s little doubt that Ellie’s inability to attract attention was done less for the sake of atmosphere and more to keep players from throwing their controllers in frustration. However, we also understand that this is a very fine line to walk, as no one wants to deal with another Ashley from Resident Evil 4 – who was notorious for dying randomally and being a general nusance for players having to escort her the entire game.

So, what we propose (if The Last of Us Part II even has two main characters) is to only make killable AI available on higher difficulties or as an option in the menu. Such a concept doesn’t need to be a permanent setting within the very core experience of the game, but it would be there to offer a bit more of a challenge to those who want it. Having your possible AI companion killable would certainly reinforce the work together or die aspects of the original, but ratchet this theme up to eleven. After all, having to worry about not only your own safety but that of others could make for an interesting way for players to connect to the characters.

While we are still short on details, there is little doubt that all eyes are going to be focused around this sequel. Following up what many consider to be the best game of last generation is no small task, so it will be interesting to see what The Last of Us Part II brings. At this point, this series just needs to slightly expand its option and just refine what it has in place. One has to wonder, however, what new features this title will bring to players upon its eventual release.

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Image of Collin MacGregor
Collin MacGregor
Collin was a Senior Staff Writer for Twinfinite from 2016 to 2017 and is a lover of all things horror. When he's not healing his teammates in Overwatch, raiding in Destiny, making poor choices in Dark Souls, or praying for a new Ape Escape you can now find him working at Bungie as an Associate World Designer.