10 Developers We Want to See More From in 2020

10 Developers We Want to See More From in 2020

Tango Gameworks

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While not the biggest of developers out there, Tango Gameworks remains a studio many people want to hear more from as soon as possible.

Responsible for the survival horror franchise The Evil Within and heded by gaming industry legend Shinji Mikami, the Bethesda-owned team made a splash at E3 2019 with the reveal of GhostWire Tokyo, a new IP wherein supernatural events are plaguing the city and causing the disappearance of its citizens.

However, not much has been revealed since then. The only real news out of the studio was that Ikumi Nakamura, the creative director behind the project, had left the company. As a result, most are still in the dark about what the game will be like, when it will release and – most importantly – why they should keep it in mind.

Even if it isn’t until later in the year, seeing more of what the game has to offer or at least getting an update on its progress would do wonders for the developer’s visibility. Plus, given the ever-more crowded release schedule of 2020, it could help them stand out from the pack and ensure their new IP makes as big of an impact on the gaming community as possible.

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Image of Keenan McCall
Keenan McCall
Keenan has been a nerd from an early age, watching anime and playing games for as long as I can remember. Since obtaining a bachelor's degree in journalism back in 2017, he has written thousands of articles covering gaming, animation, and entertainment topics galore.