Artifact, Valve, card game, TCG

5 Reasons to Try Artifact if You’re Bored of Hearthstone & Gwent

5 Reasons to Try Artifact if You’re Bored of Hearthstone & Gwent

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Shopping and Gold

Artifact, Valve, card game, TCG

Throughout a match in Artifact, you’ll accrue gold from killing enemy creeps and heroes. This gold is a significant aspect of a match, as you can use it during a special Shop Phase to actually buy new cards and equipment to add to your hand.

These cards can do something as simple as draw you a card to something complex and game-altering like giving your hero health regeneration. It also brings a bit of variety to each match, as these cards can turn the tide on a whim if you have enough gold to afford some of the more potent items to equip to your hero.

Either way, the ability to buy cards during a match with earned currency is interesting and makes Artifact feel like it’s sometimes in a genre of its own.

Though Artifact may not attract every TCG fan out there (especially due to it not being free-to-play), the experience itself is different and refreshing. Valve stuck the MOBA, strategy, and TCG genres into a blender and what resulted is a unique experience that may have a lot of complexity but rewards those that are willing to explore and see what it has to offer.

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Image of Danny Ryba
Danny Ryba
Danny is a graduate of Kennesaw State University, where he learned how to paint pretty pictures and earned his BFA in Drawing and Painting. When not working on art, he tries to find time to play videogames, play Magic: The Gathering, or DM way too many campaigns for his own good.