Artifact, Valve, card game, TCG

5 Reasons to Try Artifact if You’re Bored of Hearthstone & Gwent

5 Reasons to Try Artifact if You’re Bored of Hearthstone & Gwent

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Diverse Heroes

Artifact, Valve, card game, TCG, heroes, DOTA

In Artifact, you have five heroes from your deck that get deployed throughout the match onto the battlefield. These heroes are a huge factor in determining what kind of deck you can build, as only spells that share a color with a hero in a lane can be played.

During matches in Artifact, you’ll have the opportunity to equip your heroes with different weapons and armor, making them bigger and badder threats over the course of a match. If your hero dies, it will respawn ready for deployment after two turns with all its same equipment, meaning that you’ll need to account for these threats repeatedly returning to try and take you down again and again.

Knowing when to remove a hero is a significant decision in Artifact, as you’ll need to account for that enemy coming back later in the match. Heroes are one of the biggest changes that Artifact brings to the genre, and it gives you more strategic options as well as tying your deck together in a meaningful way.

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Image of Danny Ryba
Danny Ryba
Danny is a graduate of Kennesaw State University, where he learned how to paint pretty pictures and earned his BFA in Drawing and Painting. When not working on art, he tries to find time to play videogames, play Magic: The Gathering, or DM way too many campaigns for his own good.