Pokemon Snap 2
What better way to capitalize on the nostalgia factor of Pokemon than for Nintendo to create a sequel to one of the oddest spinoffs in the history of the franchise? In a series known for imprisoning Pokemon inside balls, Pokemon Snap subverted audience’s attention by allowing players to capture the wonderful world of Pokemon inside the preview monitor of a camera.
Pokemon Snap 2 could potentially retread the concept presented in the original, but throw in a few refreshing new takes to bring in fans, old and new. Rather than limit players to the original 151, the game would make full use of the extensive Pokemon catalogue and include every Pokemon up to date. With this expanded roster, the player would need a world big enough to contain them all, so rather than limit the player to a predetermined track, the game would be open-world.
The ability to go anywhere in the world would also allow the player to wield a number of various tools that help her/him navigate the environment to capture the best possible shot. Imagine earning enough credits through photography to acquire climbing gear necessary to scale an arctic mountain in order to grab a photo of Regice. Now imagine that rendered in the inevitably more powerful Nintendo NX. *Cha-Ching*
Pokemon Stadium 3
Continuing with the trend of reviving older Pokemon games, Pokemon Stadium 3 could serve as an excellent hub for trainers to strengthen their skills. Plowing through tournaments, competitions, and other challenges would reward trainers with in-game rewards for their Pokemon that carry over to the portable adventure. And with talks of the NX’s rumored home-to-portable console feature, playing portable Pokemon games on a home console would be easier than ever.
In addition, the game would also revive the ability to play the portable games on your big screen, because let’s face it – everyone loved that feature of the first two games.
Pokemon Colosseum Successor
Much like Pokemon Stadium 3, a spiritual successor to Pokemon Colosseum would incorporate key elements of traditional Pokemon games but add new gameplay tweaks that allow the game to differentiate itself from the handheld adventures. This could include the abilities to steal another trainer’s Pokemon -> not sure if we really want this feature, considering theft in the Pokemon universe is often considered taboo, control Pokemon in battle, and for the hell of it – go open-world.
Pokemon players everywhere have been clamoring for another home console adventure and this would be the perfect fit. The darker tone of the Colosseum games would also be a nice separating factor from the portable games, which are generally more light-hearted.
Pokemon MMO
Out of all the pie in the sky ideas for Pokemon games, this is the one that’s the most requested by fans everywhere. So much so that fans have even taken the task into their own hands and made various Pokemon MMOs available to play online for free. While not officially sanctioned, these games have countless hours poured into them. All Nintendo needs to do is capitalize on this demand.
Imagine the pandemonium that would break out should Game Freak decide to release an official Pokemon MMO. Trainers everywhere would be trapped in a perpetual world of Pocket Monsters, both outside on their cellphones, and indoors with the MMO. Now all trainers need is for Nintendo to create a console with an easy-to-use online infrastructure.
Pokemon Rhythm Game
Alright, this one is a bit of a stretch, but think about it. The game would revolve around the contest aspects of the games. You’d enter Pokemon in various beauty contests all around the world. Style and move choices would play vital roles in dance routines, but the actual dance would be carried out through on-screen button prompts much like Persona 4 Dancing All Night or Hatsune Miku. Doing well in contests would allow players to advance to more difficult competitions, unlock outfits for your Pokemon, and of course – new songs!
The game could even feature some sort of connectivity with the other Pokemon games, allowing your spoils from contest victories to transfer to the other games, thus providing incentive for fans of the normal games to check this out. If there’s something Nintendo’s good at, it’s getting players interested in strange Pokemon games.
Published: Jul 25, 2016 01:46 pm