How to Play Online Co-Op Multiplayer in Overcooked 2
The first Overcooked game was at its best when playing with friends, but you could only do so locally. Now, the sequel has arrived and it brings with it online co-op functionality so that you can join your friends online, shouting at them for being slow as much as you’d like, from wherever you are. After you’ve re-familiarized yourself with the mechanics of Overcooked 2 and the new recipes, you’ll probably want to jump online, so here’s everything you need to know about how to play online co-op multiplayer.
You have two options for online co-op multiplayer in Overcooked 2. You can play with friends by pressing X if you’re on Nintendo Switch, Y on Xbox One, or triangle on PlayStation 4, and inviting them to see them join your lobby before you choose which mode to play. Alternatively, you can play a public match with other players. To do so, scroll along the options at the top of the main menu to Arcade or Versus and choose the Online Public option. After a short loading screen, the game will automatically begin to search for a random public game. Here, while waiting for a game, you can choose which map you’d prefer to play on. You can choose the theme of the map, or simply select Random to play on whatever the game chooses.
You can also jump into online co-op multiplayer with a co-op partner in Overcooked 2. They’ll need to join your lobby first by pressing L and R if you’re on Switch, or A/X if you’re on Xbox One/PS4, then you can select Online Public as you would do on your own.
That’s all you need to know about how to play online co-op multiplayer in Overcooked 2. For more on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite.
Published: Aug 7, 2018 8:02 AM UTC