Mercedes is the daughter to fairy queen, and her weapon of choice is the Psypher crossbow. At the start of the game, she acts and behaves like a childish girl, still blissfully unaware of what’s going on in the world. However, when her mother is suddenly wrenched away from her, she has to quickly learn how to become a queen. Not only that, she has to deal with her cousin Melvin, who looks like he might be up to no good.
Mercedes can be a tricky character to get used to because of the crossbow. Each shot uses up your POW, and you’ll have to stay stationary for about a second so that she can reload and fill up the POW meter again. Mercedes also has the power to fly in the air and reach tall ledges. You’ll have to get used to her aerial abilities and crossbow skills in order to use her effectively in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir.
Because she usually needs to keep her distance from her enemies in order to deal damage, I recommend leveling her up as much as you can before each dungeon to improve her overall survivability.
Round Shot is one of the first skills you’ll unlock for Mercedes in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, and it’s actually a pretty good skill that can carry you till the end of her story. The Round Shot allows you to fire a huge magic bullet which pierces through enemies and can stun them. This is great for dealing with mobs, in particular. If enemies happen to get too close to you, simply use Round Shot to push them back.
Spread Shot is another good skill to have. This allows Mercedes to fire repeatedly in a radial pattern. This is a skill that you’ll definitely want for bosses, especially for those with weak points that you can’t reach on the ground. It can also come in handy for mobs as it’ll throw them into the air, opening a window for you to get in some air combos and juggles.
If you like staying in the air with Mercedes, you should also consider investing some points into Brioniac. This lets her fire explosive magic bullets high above to shower the land below. Again, this is another great skill for mobs, but it might not be as effective for fast bosses. Be sure to get Spread Shot and upgrade the skill as often as you can when playing as Mercedes.
As with all characters in Odin Sphere Leifthrasir, be sure to get Recovery Up, Charge Up, and Power Supply to keep your HP and POW up. For Mercedes, the next ability you definitely want is Keep Away. This will allow you to knock back foes with just regular shots, giving you time to reload if you need to.
Ground Attack isn’t really necessary if you’re always in the air, but you’ll need to unlock that if you want Aerial Defense, which decreases your damage received by 30% while in the air. Full Power is another good ability to have, as you’ll be more likely to knock back foes when your POW meter is full.
Your priority as Mercedes should be to get the leftmost abilities on her skill tree. Reduce Damage is invaluable as it will decrease your damage taken while reloading by half. The final leftmost ability, Quick Reload, will increase your reload speed, which is a crucial one to have because you’ll run out of regular shots very quickly.
Published: Jun 1, 2016 12:00 pm