Even though the premise for Roblox’s Find The Markers title is incredibly simple, its popularity has really grown recently. In fact, the seek-’em-up experience has accrued almost half a billion visits since its inception last year. No small feat, indeed! If you’re here, though, you’re likely wondering how to find all the Markers in Roblox Find The Markers. Well, you’re in the right place. Let’s start finding all 202 of those pesky Markers, shall we?
All Marker Locations in Roblox Find The Markers
Here are the locations of all 202 Markers in Roblox Find The Markers:
Easy Markers
Purple Marker
Ready for the easiest Marker ever? This one is a cinch. It’s literally right in front of you when you spawn into the game atop the Pedestal of Awesome. Next!
Archer Marker
Firstly, from spawn head towards the big clock tower nearby, next to the abandoned houses. Walk around to the back of the clock tower to find a near-invisible ladder and climb up. Now, go to the front of the clock tower and climb up another near-invisible ladder and when you reach the face of the clock, you’ll be teleported to the Washable Kingdom. Here, go to the right side of the castle and you’ll reach the archery area to find your second Marker.
Baby Marker
Go to the Abandoned City, and enter the first house on your left. Go up the stairs, and you’ll find the Baby Marker under the bed.
Ball Marker
Another really easy one! All you need to do is look around spawn and you’ll find the Ball Marker.
Bee Marker
Head to the Forest Biome, behind the cabin is the Bee Marker in the tree above.
Big Orange Marker
Go to the Mountain Biome and climb up the ladder. When you enter the cave, turn left and step on some eggs. You’ll be teleported to a turquoise room with the Big Orange Marker waiting to be collected. Quick note: You’ll need to have obtained the Baby Marker first in order to collect this one.
Black Marker
From the eggs where you acquired the Big Orange Marker, head into the caves and go down the steps. In the corner is a nook that looks like there’s nothing there. Walk into it and you’ll be warped into a dark room with a keyboard. On the right of the keyboard is the Black Marker.
Bluegrass Marker
In the Washable Kingdom, head towards the blue field and right in the back corner is the Bluegrass Marker hidden on the floor.
Bone Marker
Go to the Mountain Biome and climb the ladder again. Before you enter the cave, head left and follow the path around. Look out for a ribcage on the ledge and in these bones is where you’ll find the Bone Marker.
Brown Marker
Next to the eggs which teleported you to the Big Orange Marker, jump up a ledge and follow the path left to find the Brown Marker.
Cactus Marker
Head to the Desert Biome, and behind one of the cacti near the pyramid is the Cactus Marker.
Capless Marker’s Cap
Go to the Factory next to the forest biome and in front of the factory is a purple marker cap. Step on this and you’ll unlock the Capless Marker’s Cap.
Carpet Marker
Head to the cabin in the Forest Biome, and once you enter inside, step on the marker-shaped carpet and you’ll unlock the Carpet Marker.
Coral Marker
Near spawn, in the water next to the “De Olde Shop,” there is real coral. Inside one of the coral pieces is the Coral Marker.
Crystal Marker
Head towards the Cave near spawn. Inside, go towards the back of the cave and on the left, in the corner, is a narrow nook. Scooch down this nook to find the Crystal Marker.
Dark Blue Marker
Underneath “De Olde Shop” is water. Take a dip inside and head towards the corner to unlock the Dark Blue Marker.
Dragon Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower. Then, go up the stone path next the the castle and you’ll reach a hole in the wall. Go inside, and you’ll soon drop down a hole that will lead you to the Dragon Marker who is stood protecting its eggs.
Dream Marker
Go to the Abandoned City, and in the second house on your right, you’ll find the Dream Marker sleeping in a bed upstairs and a catching some Zs.
Dummy Marker
From spawn, head inside the cave where we found the Crystal Marker. You’ll see a “Dummy” nametag through the wall. Once you arrive at the location of the “Dummy” nametag, you’ll be teleported to a little alcove with the Dummy Marker waiting for you to collect it.
Explode Marker
Head towards the snow biome, and next to the candy land biome, you’ll find a “Die” button. Click it and it’ll give you the Explode Marker.
Fire Marker
Go to the Forest Biome, and enter the cabin. Inside, you’ll find the Fire Marker in — you guessed it! — the fireplace.
Firefly Marker
Head back to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and go to the swamp area with the “Beware of the Bouncy Lily Pads” sign. Carefully jump onto the lily pads and bounce your way to the top of the tree in the far right-hand side corner to get your hands on this one.
Fishbowl Marker
Go inside the cabin in the forest biome. On the table on the left is the Fishbowl Marker.
Ghost Marker
Go inside the clock tower and climb up the metal column. At the top, you’ll find the Ghost Marker in all its glory.
Gingerbread Marker
Go to the Candy Land Biome, and inside the little gingerbread house is the Gingerbread Marker sitting on the multi-colored gummy couch.
Goat Marker
Head towards the Mountain and climb up the ladder, but don’t go inside the entrance. Instead, go left and climb up the mountain. Go past some bones and keep going up and around, and you’ll soon come across the Goat Marker.
Grass Marker
In the Mountain Biome, in front of the wooden ladder, you’ll find the sneaky Grass Marker hidden in the grass.
Hanging Marker
In the cabin in the Snow Biome, you’ll find the Hanging Marker upstairs hanging from the ceiling.
Industrial Marker
Go to the Factory next to the forest biome. Inside, follow the sign to the “Assembly Line” and you’ll find the Industrial Marker next to the conveyer belt.
King Marker
In the Washable Kingdom, go into the castle and follow the path on your right. You’ll find the King Marker sitting on his throne waiting to be added to your collection.
Lava Jump Marker
Head to the Factory and go past the first assembly line. Behind it is another room filled with red obstacles which will kill you if you touch them. Carefully manoeuver your way across the obby and collect the Lava Jump Marker at the back of the room.
Lavender Marker
In the Forest Biome, behind all the halls is a purple, spinning block. Touch this and it’ll warp you to a lavender room where you can find the Lavender Marker.
Lightbulb Marker
Go into “De Olde Shop,” and climb the shelves behind the counter. Once at the top, jump to your right and you’ll get the Lightbulb Marker, which is nestled in a light hanging from the ceiling.
Liquid Marker
Go to the Desert Biome and on the right side of the Pyramid is a purple pond. Jump in and you’ll unlock the Liquid Marker.
Magenta Marker
Head over to the cabin in the Snow Biome, and climb the stairs. On the right side of the bed is a little door. Go inside and you’ll find the Magenta Marker.
Marker Deleted
From spawn, head into the door with the “Teleport to the Gallery” sign next to it. Inside, on the wall opposite all the Markers is a white picture of the Deleted Marker. Jump into it to nab this one.
Marker for the Black Baseplate
Behind “De Olde Shop,” there is a big black area with the Marker for the Black Baseplate sitting in the middle waiting to be collected.
Go to the Abandoned City biome, and head inside the left house behind the clock tower. Here, you’ll find the Markerplier marker sitting playing on his computer peacefully.
Markerseed the Fallen
From spawn, go inside the Cave and towards the right side of the cave, you’ll find the Markerseed the Fallen marker next to a blue glowing crystal.
Maroon Marker
Head to the Cave and near the back is a ledge, which you’ll need to jump up to get to the Maroon Marker, which is hidden in the shadows.
Marshmallow Marker
In the Candy Land Biome, you’ll see some marshmallows on the left side of the gingerbread house. Bounce up these and then bounce up another few. Go up the steep chocolate arch and slide down the rainbow slide. At the bottom, you’ll find the Marshmallow Marker waiting to be collected.
Mud Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and then go to the tower in the swamp area. In front of the doorway is a rock with the Mud Marker hiding in plain sight.
Old Marker
In “De Olde Shop” on your right, climb the first shelf and you’ll find the Old Marker chilling on top.
Periwinkle Marker
Enter the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and behind where you spawn is a patch of purple flowers where the Periwinkle Marker is hiding.
Permanent Marker
Inside the Factory, next to the forest biome, go past the Assembly Line and enter the room with the red obby blocks. Go into the room on your right and head to the room at the back. In here, you’ll find the Permanent Marker on the desk.
Red Marker
Enter the doorway of the clock tower and on your left is the Red Marker.
Security Marker
Head over to the Factory, and the Security Marker will be behind a desk at the entrance.
Snow Marker
Head to the Snow Biome, and next to the tree nearest the water is the Snow Marker hidden in the snow underneath.
Snowman Marker
In the Snow Biome, next to the cabin, is a snowman, which is secretly the Snowman Marker.
Tan Marker
In the Desert Biome, there’s a statue of a man that looks like a big block. Behind this statue is the Tan Marker in all its glory.
Temple Marker
Head to the Desert Biome, and inside the pyramid, there’s a ladder at the back. Climb it and you’ll discover a secret area. Avoid the black string traps, and make your way to the Temple Marker.
Thief Marker
Go behind the “De Olde Shop” and you’ll find the Thief Marker just standing there.
Tied Marker
Inside “De Olde Shop,” climb the ladder behind the counter and make your way to the back of a room full of boxes. Hidden in the corner is the Tied Marker.
Torch Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and go up the concrete slope reach a hole in the wall. Inside, on your right, you’ll find the Torch Marker.
Transparent Marker
Next to the Candy Land Biome and the Snow Biome, you will find a transparent box. You’ll need to complete a short maze. Thing is, the maze walls are invisible, but through trial and error, you’ll get your hands on that pesky Transparent Marker in no time.
Triple Marker
Scale your way to the top of the Cave and jump up a very small wooden obby to get your prize.
Water Marker
Underneath “De Olde Shop” is the Water Marker floating on the surface of the water.
Yellow Marker
Inside “De Olde Shop,” the Yellow Marker is waiting to be collected behind the counter.
Zombie Marker
Inside the Forest Biome, there’s a tiny graveyard. Step on the tombstone that says, “Here Lies Marker’s Clone” and it’ll drop you down to the Zombie Marker.
Medium Markers
Bendy Straw Marker
Head past the yellow house in the Forest Biome and you’ll soon reach a waterfall. Below, on the right, inside the waterfall is a doorway. If you stand on the edge like in the image above, you can see the entrance clearly. It may take a few gos, but try and position yourself so that you can jump down into it. Inside the small cave, you’ll find the Bendy Straw Marker.
Blue Marker
Go to the Forest Biome and head up the white steps by the tombstone. Jump on the treetop and then hop up some rocks. Ahead, you’ll find the Blue Marker just behind a tree.
Box Marker
Head to the Factory and go past the Assembly Line and turn right when you reach the deadly red obby room. Grab the key lying on the floor, and go back to last room with the Storage Closet. Thankfully, the door here is now open and inside is the Box Marker.
Brick Marker
In the yellow house in the Forest Biome, walk into the fireplace and you’ll reach the roof. Behind the chimney, your Brick Marker awaits.
Chocolate Marker
Go to the Candy Land Biome, and right next to the chocolate river, the Chocolate Marker is hiding below the ledge. Hop down to the place pictured above, and the Chocolate Marker is yours.
Cobblestone Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom, and go behind the castle. There’s an invisible ledge that you can carefully walk down. At the end of the little walkway, there’s an invisible wall. Go inside to find the Cobblestone Marker.
Cork Marker
Head to the Mountain Biome, and on the right, in a shadowy nook in the corner, you’ll find the Cork Marker.
Between the Desert Biome and the Abandoned City, just past the clock tower is a small circle of dirt. Jump down the hole in the middle, and you’ll soon reach the Crayon.
Cyan Marker
On the right side of the Cave, you’ll find a tree at the back. Behind the tree is the Cyan Marker.
Dark Green Marker
Dive into the water below “De Olde Shop,” and look for a dark rectangular nook on the lower part of the wall. Carefully walk into this and you’ll be teleported to a sewer area with the Dark Green Marker. It can be a little fiddly, so it may take some trail and error, but don’t give up as it just takes a few gos.
Flamingo Marker
In the Snow Biome you’ll find the red button that makes you explode. On the left side of the button, you’ll see a square that’s a different shade of white to the snow around it. Walk onto this and you’ll warp to a room with the Flamingo Marker.
Golden Marker
Head for the Factory but before going in, take a right and go down the nook in the corner. Follow it along and you’ll soon be teleported to the Golden Marker.
Gray Marker
Up in the loft of “De Olde Shop,” you’ll find the Gray Marker.
Greedy Marker
Tap on the donation button to the left of the respawn button. On the bottom left, there’s a tiny Greedy Marker. Tap on it, and it’s yours.
Hammer Marker
In the back right building behind the clock tower, climb the stairs to find a hammer in the corner. Step on this to be warped to a room with the Hammer Marker inside.
Khaki Marker
In spawn, next to the “Teleport to the Gallery” door, there’s a tree that’s a different shade of color to the other ones. Yes, that’s right, the tree is khaki-colored. Walk into it and you’ll be teleported to a room with the Khaki Marker.
Leaf Marker
Head to the Factory, and up the white steps on the right. Jump onto the treetops here and make your way to the tree in the corner, next to the water. The Leaf Marker is hiding here in plain sight.
Licorice Marker
Go to the Candy Land Biome, jump across the chocolate river using the marshmallows and go past the “Community Hangout Room.” Hop up a bunch more marshmallows until you reach the steep chocolate arch. Head to the top of the arch and then carefully jump down onto the pink lollipop below. Here, you’ll find the Licorice Marker.
Lilypad Marker
Head to the Swamp area in the Washable Kingdom and look out for a lily pad that has a flower on it. Once you step on it, you’ll warp to the Lilypad Marker.
Lime Marker
From spawn, face towards the Cave. On the left side of the staircase, in the corner, is an invisible hole in the ground. Fall through, and you’ll warp to the Lime Marker.
Go towards the waterfall behind the Forest Biome. On the left hand side carefully walk towards the edge and you’ll see a rock with an arrow pointing down scribbled on it. Jump down and you’ll land on a transparent walkway. Walk carefully towards the marker, and the prize is yours.
Mint Marker
Head towards the Snow Biome and go up the stairs and behind the cabin. Drop down on the rocks below and you’ll discover an invisible wall. Inside, you’ll find the Mint Marker.
Mushroom Marker
Go to the Washable Kingdom and head to the swamp area. Jump into the pond near the Dragon Cliff ramp and then complete a super quick obby. Once the obby is finished, the Mushroom Marker is yours.
Oil Marker
In the Space Biome, make your way to the top of the giant rocket. Head inside the grey cone on top and the Oil Marker will be there waiting for you.
Olive Marker
Inside one of the buildings in the Abandoned City, you’ll find the Olive Marker on the bathroom floor upstairs.
Orange Marker
From spawn, face towards the clock tower. On the right side of the staircase in front of you, walk inside an invisible door to enter a secret room with the Orange Marker waiting to be collected.
Pink Marker
Head to the summit of the Mountain. At the top, you’ll need to complete a brief obby before you can get your mitts on the Pink Marker.
Platinum Marker
Go into the Sewers below “De Olde Shop” by swimming into the narrow nook at the bottom of the pond. Follow the sewer around to a room containing a platinum box. Walk into it and the Platinum Marker is yours for the taking.
Primrose Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom and in the marketplace, in one of the stalls, you’ll find Primrose Marker lying down and taking a nap.
Princess Marker
In the Washable Kingdom, go to the yellow portal that takes you back to spawn. Don’t go inside as the Princess Marker is hiding in a nearby bush.
Rainbow Marker
Climb all the way up to the summit of the Mountain. On the top ledge, make sure your camera is looking behind the mountain. You should be able to see a small opening down in the back of the Mountain. Carefully drop down and enter the cave. Next, climb a near-invisible ladder on your right to get to the Rainbow Marker.
Rock Marker
Head to the Forest Biome and on the right side of the yellow cabin, you’ll see a rock with the Rock Marker hidden inside it.
Rust Marker
Go inside the Factory and in the Assembly Line room, drop down a hole at the end of the conveyer belt. Go through the sewer gate and into the Sewers. In the wall on the right is the Rust Marker hiding in plain sight.
Salmon Marker
Behind the Pyramid in the Desert Biome, climb up the steps, and you’ll soon reach an invisible doorway to a room with the Salmon Marker inside.
Sand Marker
In the Desert Biome, head to the Pyramid. Inside, you’ll find the Sand Marker standing in the corner.
Smoke Marker
In the Forest Biome, climb to the top of the hill next to the Factory. You’ll need to jump onto the factory’s roof and then climb the tallest smokestack to get the Smoke Marker.
Space Marker
Head to the Space Biome via the rocket in the factory. At the far edge of this map is a wooden arrow sign pointing down. Jump down and you’ll be teleported to the Space Marker.
Go to the Space Biome via the rocket in the actory. Head to the building with a white dome on the top. Follow the path along and you’ll soon reach the Star-ker marker.
Static Marker
In the Candy Land Biome, head to the gingerbread house. Inside, you’ll find a TV. Wait in front of the TV until you see some static. Tap on it when you see static and the Static Marker is yours.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Marker
Go into the Sewers and follow the path round. You’ll find the Teenage Mutant Ninja Marker by the bed.
Triple-Scoop Marker
In the Candy Land Biome, head up to the top of the chocolate arch. At the far end, carefully drop down to the platform below to find a secret cave. The Triple-Scoop Marker is waiting for you inside.
White Marker
Go to the Factory and drop into the hole next to the Assembly Line. You’ll find the White Marker right there on the shelf.
Xanwood Marker
Behind “De Olde Shop,” go to the Baseplate Biome and look for a triangle on the edge that looks slightly out of place. Drop down into it and the Xanwood Marker is all yours.
Hard Markers
Atomic Marker
In the Factory, use the microscope. Small markers will begin spawning around the factory. Keep collecting them and the Atomic Marker will spawn.
Aurora Marker
Head to the top of the Mountain. If you look carefully in the snowy area, you’ll see an invisible ladder going up. Hop up onto the tree and you’ll then be able to jump onto the invisible ladder which leads you to the Aurora Marker in all its glory.
BFDI Marker
Go to the Washable Kingdom and then head to the marketplace stalls. On the edge of the map, you’ll see the BFDI Marker sticking out from below. Carefully jump down to add this one to your collection.
Battery Marker
In the Abandoned City behind the clock tower, you’ll find a microwave in the second house on the left. The Battery Marker is hidden inside it.
Bluish Gray Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower. Next, go to the Blue Forest. In one of the tree, there’s an invisible ladder. Climb it and you’ll have to complete a short obby across some narrow, semi-transparent platforms. Carefully manoeuver across and you’ll discover the Bluish Gray Marker at the top of one of the trees.
Camo Marker
In the tree near spawn, you’ll find the Camo Marker hiding in the leaves above. Jump to it and you’ll unlock this one.
Candy Cane Marker
Head to the Candy Cane Biome, and climb up the to the top of the chocolate arch. Carefully walk down the slide and on the second turn, jump to the platform below and you’ll be teleported to a short obby. Make sure not to touch the red blocks and you’ll soon reach the Candy Cane Marker.
Capless Marker
Go towards the right side of the Mountain and you’ll soon reach a cliff. Carefully hug the wall around on your left and follow the thin ledge and this will bring you to the Capless Marker.
Catzo Marker
This one is actually pretty easy. All you need to do is type “/e laugh” into chat and you’ll warp to the Catzo Marker.
Cheese Marker
Head to the Space Biome via the rocket in the factory, and look for the wooden arrow sign pointing down near the far edge of the map. Carefully drop down and you’ll teleport to a room with the Space Marker. Of course, that’s not the one we’re looking for. So, turn to your right and in the top corner is a white ball. Climb up to it, and you’ll then warp to the Cheese Marker.
Chicken Marker
Go to the Forest Biome and go up the white steps. Go right and hop over the treetops in front of you. Climb up the rocks, keep going forward and you’ll reach a suspicious slab of rock on the grass that is a different shade of color to the other rocks. Jump on it and you’ll warp to the Chicken Marker.
Cloud Marker
In the Forest Biome, climb to the top of the roof of the yellow house. Climb the chimney and if you look closely, there are semi-transparent bricks that you can jump onto. Carefully manoeuver your way up and you’ll soon be warped to a cloud up in the sky with the Cloud Marker waiting to be collected.
Dirt Marker
Head to the Forest Biome, and halfway up the white steps, turn right. Here, there’s a secret room with the Dirt Marker waiting for you inside.
Evil Marker
Enter the Mountain and turn left and you’ll then teleport to the big keyboard room. Here, type the word “INVERT” and then head to the red path on your right and the Evil Marker will be there waiting for you to add it to your collection.
Flower Marker
Head to the Desert biome, and look for wooden posts that look a bit like soccer goalposts. Climb to the top, on the right, and you’ll need to complete short obby to get the Flower Marker.
This one’s a pretty easy one. All you need to do is type a skull emoji () into chat and the Forgorker marker is yours.
Glitch Marker
Go to the Mountain Biome, but you don’t need to enter the mountain. Instead, climb up the first ladder and head left. By the ribcages on the back edge of the cliff, you should be able to see a semi-transparent ledge that you can carefully walk across to a tiny block. This will warp you to a short obby, that can be quite tricky. Keep trying and don’t give up and the Glitch Marker will be yours for the taking.
Green Marker
Head to the right side of the Mountain, nearby the cave. When you reach the far edge, you’ll see the Green Marker poking it’s head out below. Carefully jump down to collect this one.
Ice Marker
In the Washable Kingdom, go to the side of the Dragon Cliff where you’ll find a blue hole. Jump into it and you’ll soon have your hands on the Ice Marker.
Ivory Marker
Go to the Mountain and begin climbing up. Once you reach the place with two ladders, climb up and jump left. Here, you’ll find a secret room with the Ivory Marker inside.
Jumpscare Marker
In the Snow Biome, head to the red and grey obby. You’ll find the Jumpscare Marker at the end of the obby.
Knight Marker
In the Washable Kingdom, head to the top of the castle. The game will equip you with a sword. When you reach the top, you’ll have to fight a knight. Defeat him to nab the Knight Marker.
Lollipop Marker
In the Snow Biome, look for the big green lollipop. Climb up, past the gingerbread house, and you’ll be able to jump across to the green lollipop. Inside, you’ll find the Lollipop Marker.
Magenta Void Marker
Teleport to the Gallery from spawn. Walk to the end of the room, and in the corner is a secret entrance to the Magenta Void Marker.
Marker Stack
In the Cave, you’ll find a solitary blue marker. Find his friends: Red is behind the Factory, Yellow is in the cabin fireplace in the Snow Biome, and Green is in a tree in the Forest Biome. Once you’ve collected all three, return to the blue marker and you’ll get the Marker Stack.
Merchant Marker
Go to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower, and find the Merchant Marker behind one of the stalls in the marketplace. The marker will task you with finding ten coins that are scattered around the area. They’re not too tricky to find. Once you’ve collected all ten, return to the marker to unlock the Merchant Marker.
Missing Texture Marker
Head up the steps in the Forest Biome, and take a sharp right. At the corner edge, there’s a tree in front of you. Jump onto it and walk into the purple block to be teleported to a room with the Missing Texture hidden inside.
Nebula Marker
Head to the Space Biome and on top of a rectangular set of rocks, you’ll find the Nebula Marker.
Obby Marker
In the Snow Biome, floating up above is an obby. Complete the obby to unlock the Obby Marker.
Paper Marker
Head to the Mountain but don’t go inside. Instead, take a left at the entrance and walk around near the ribcages on the floor. There’s a secret wall in the side of the mountain which is a different brown to the rest of it. Carefully jump down into it and you’ll find the Paper Marker hiding inside.
Phoenix Marker
Go to the yellow cabin in the Forest Biome and enter the fireplace. Next, go into the corner of this room on your left and you’ll find the Phoenix Marker.
Plaid Marker
Climb the ladder in “De Olde Shop” and the Plaid Marker is in a secret area in one of the big crates.
Polka-Dot Marker
In the Desert Biome, go behind the Pyramid. If you look closely at the edge of the map, you’ll see a semi-transparent circular platform. Step on it and you’ll warp to the Polka-Dot Marker.
Realistic Marker
Go behing the Abandoned City and you’ll find a poster on the wall that says “No Way” on it. Behind the poster, you’ll find the Realistic Marker.
Runner Marker
Enter the Mountain and head left to the secret keyboard room. Inside, type the word “DIFFICULTY” and you’ll warp to an obby. Once you reach the “difficult” part of the obby, look to the right side of the sign and you’ll see a secret path that takes you to the Runner Marker.
Salted Caramel Marker
Go to the Candy Land Biome and climb to the top of the chocolate arch. Drop down to the pink lollipop. Then climb up the liquorice to unlock the Salted Caramel Marker.
Shadow Marker
Climb to the top of the Mountain, and look for a hole in the back side of the Mountain that you can drop down to. Inside, you’ll find the Shadow Marker.
Strawberry Marker
In the Pyramid in the Desert Biome, towards the back left of it, about halfway up, is a secret area where you’ll need to avoid some swords. There’s a secret wall to the left that will take you to the Strawberry Marker.
Vermillion Marker
In the Pyramid in the Desert Biome, towards the back left of it, about halfway up, is a secret area where you’ll need to avoid some swords. In here, you’ll find the Vermillion Marker.
Void Marker
Go the Space Biome and look for the wooden arrow sign pointing downwards. Drop down and you’ll be warped to a secret room. On the left side of the room is a secret entrance to a maze. Complete the maze and the Void Marker is yours.
Wild Marker
Head to the yellow cabin in the Forest Biome, and stand in front of the poster with “Wild Card” on it. Next, type “pray to wild card” in chat and the Wild Marker will unlock.
Wizard Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom via the clock tower. Once you go inside the castle, hug the left wall and just past the torch is a secret room that hides the Wizard Marker.
Wood Marker
Between the Forest and Mountain Biomes, you’ll find a tree near the far edge of the map. Behind this tree is where you’ll find the Wood Marker.
Insane Markers
In the Space Biome, look for the wooden arrow sign pointing down. Drop down and look for the secret wall on your left. Here, you’ll find a rather confusing maze. Just keep looking around and you’ll soon fall through the floor to reveal the … Marker in all its glory.
Balloon Marker
Head up the white steps in the Forest Biome, go right and then keep going forward. Jump across the treetops and you’ll soon come to a strange rock. Here, you’ll be teleported into the sky where we found the Chicken Marker. Next, carefully walk directly behind the Chicken Marker and you’ll be warped to a pink room with the Ballon Marker inside.
Bioluminescent Marker
Go to the Washable Kingdom and head to the Blue Forest. Here, you’ll find blue mushrooms that need to be activated in a certain order. Inside Dragon Cliff, you’ll find a map revealing the correct order.
Black Hole Marker
Head to the Space Biome and to the left side of the rocket, you’ll discover a secret alien cave. Notice the orange and blue buttons? They’re going to come in handy shortly. First, step on the orange button to turn on the caves power. Then, go inside the cave and make your way down the tunnel. Try your best to memorise the way you went as the Black Hole Marker will be locked behind some lasers. Go back and press the blue button. This will turn off the lasers, but you’ll have to manoeuver your way back to the Black Hole Marker in the dark.
Burning Marker
Go inside the Cave and up on your right you’ll find a red crystal. Activate its three shards and you’ll be teleported to the Burning Marker.
Couch Marker
Head to the cabin in the Snow Biome and up the stairs you’ll find five couches. You’ll need five players to all be sitting in them to activate the teleporter to get the Couch Marker.
Cough Drop Marker
Go inside the Mountain and turn left to reach the keyboard room. Type in “HILLROCK” and chat with the Cough Drop Marker. Do this three more times and the Cough Drop Marker is yours.
Devil Marker
Head between the Cave and Pyramid until you reach the edge of the map. You can drop down here to a ledge below, which is where you’ll find the Devil Marker.
Error Marker
Head to the back left house in the Abandoned City and click on the computer. When the screen turns blue, click again, and you’ll be teleported to a blue room with the Error Marker inside.
Gilded Marker
Go to the top of the castle in the Washable Kingdom. On the top back right-side tower, drop down to reach a secret entrance. Here, you’ll find the Gilded Marker.
Gummy Marker
In the Candy Land Biome, go behind the chocolate arch to find a pit filled with spikes. Above the pit is a set of four different buttons. You’ll need to press the buttons in the correct order to unlock the Gummy Marker. The blue button is on the side of the blue lollipop, green button is inside a hole in near the brown lollipop, the red button is inside the gingerbread house, and the yellow button is at the edge of map next to the door.
Inverted Marker
Head to the Space Biome, and drop off the edge near the wooden arrow sign pointing down. Go through the secret wall on the left to enter the maze. You’ll need to find a white button and press it first. Next, manoeuver your way though the maze until you see a white doorway. Enter it and the Inverted Marker is yours.
Head towards the Mountain but don’t climb up or enter it. Instead, go to the left, and opposite the front of the Mountain is a lonely tree. Walk past the tree and hug the wall here. Carefully scooch along the narrow ledge and you’ll come to a secret area with the MEGA MARKER! inside.
Pebble Marker
Go to the mud pile behind the Abandoned City. As you drop down the hole, huge the wall and you’ll land in a secret room with the Pebble Marker.
Plasma Marker
In the Space Biome, head for the space station and go inside. Go back outside and scooch under the stairway at the entrance. It should take you to a laser maze. Complete this maze and you’ll receive the Plasma Marker.
Potion Marker
Head to the Washable Kingdom and go to the tower in the Swamp. Interact with the cauldron and it will give you a recipe for you to make. Do this five times and the Potion Marker is yours.
Skinny Marker
Go towards the wall behind the cabin in the Forest Biome. In the corner here, you can scooch through into a secret room. Your prize is here for the taking.
Stormy Marker
Head inside the cabin in the Forest Biome and go into the fireplace. You’ll warp to a yellow room and you’ll be stood on a square. Jump up and down on the square again and you’ll be teleported to the top of the chimney. Climb up some semi-transparent blocks above the chimney and when you get to the top, you’ll be warped to a snowy area. Carefully drop down and climb the semi-transparent ladder below. Jump onto the yellow pathway and the Stormy Marker will be in front of you.
Sunburnt Marker
Head up the white steps in the Forest Biome, go right and then keep going forward. Jump across the treetops and you’ll soon come to a strange rock. Here, you’ll be teleported into the sky. Next, carefully jump down onto the roof of the house below to find the Sunburnt Marker.
Sus Marker
Go to the Space Biome and when you reach the wooden arrow pointing downwards, drop down. On your right, up above, is a white ball. Jump into it and you’ll warp to a new room. Now, look for a little red spaceman from the hit game Among Us and touch it. You’ll then be teleported to the Sus Marker.
Teapot Marker
Go to the secret keyboard room in the Mountain and type “MRMARKERMAKER”.
Time Marker
Head to the factory and in the back conveyer belt room, you’ll need to wait for five minutes for a small white portal to appear. Go inside and you’ll warp to the Time Marker.
Winning Marker
You’ll need the Winning Smile face option from the Roblox shop. Once equipped, head behind the Factory and on your right, you’ll find the Winning Marker. Talk to him to unlock your prize.
Extreme Markers
90 Degree Marker
From the Baseplate Biome, you’ll need to carefully navigate across an invisible bridge to reach the 90 Degree Marker.
Alternate Marker
In the Baseplate Biome, there’s a safe near the back that requires you to enter a passcode. Enter “L5LPDNNN” and the marker will be just below you.
Cornbread Marker
Currently unavailable due to a new update to the map. Will update this guide as soon as we hear more.
Medium Stone Grey Marker
Behind the Abandoned City, there’s a place you can jump down to. It can be tricky, but don’t give up. Next, jump across some floating platforms and you’ll soon reach the Medium Stone Grey Marker.
Noob Marker
Head to the house in the Snow Biome. Go up the stairs and interact with the microwave. If you press the E key, a box will pop up and ask for your Roblox profile ID. To get your Roblox profile ID, go to your Roblox profile page and look in the URL. Here you should find a short code. Copy that, and then paste it into the microwave box. Finally, a secret wall will open up revealing the Noob Marker.
Supernova Marker
Go to the Space Biome and grab the key behind a big red mound of dirt. Next, enter the space station and head right. Go past the Star-Ker marker, and then insert the key into the console with green lines on it. Then, you’ll need to enter the code. Pink is five, orange is eight, yellow is two, green is ten, blue is seven, and purple is one. Lastly, Star-Ker will then turn into the Supernova Marker.
Technical Marker
Once you join a game, you’ll see a welcome screen with a bunch of markers along the bottom of it. In the bottom right, you’ll see the Technical Marker. Tap on it, and it’s yours.
Tree Sap Marker
In the Forest Biome, there’s a tree with a hole in it. Entering the hole takes you to a really tricky obby. Complete this obby and the Tree Sap Marker is yours for the taking.
Zen Marker
To get your hands on the Zen Marker, you’ll need to find five notes. You’ll find Note 1 in the chocolate fountain in the Candy Land Biome. Next, Note 2 is in the Lava Checker obby in the Factory. Then, Note 3 is in the hand of the Desert statue. Meanwhile, Note 4 is Mega Marker’s cave. Finally, Note 5 is in the lightning arc pathways in the sky. Once you have all the notes, head to the cabin in the Snow Biome and grab the chocolate coin in the kitchen. Take it to the chocolate fountain in the Candy Land Biome and the Zen Marker will be unlocked.
Markerous Marker
Difficulty Chart Marker
Go to the secret keyboard room in the Mountain. Type “DIFFICULTY” and you’ll warp to a really tricky obby. Complete this obby and the Difficulty Chart Marker will be all yours.
Wowsers! That’s a heck of a lot of markers, right? Well, we hope this helped to clue you in on how to find all the Markers in Roblox Find The Markers. For more Roblox-related content, check out these all Adopt Me pet trade values, 10 best FPS games or 6 best scary games. And as always, if you have a question that isn’t answered on the site, feel free to reach out in the comments section below, and we’ll try our best to lend a hand.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 3:14 PM UTC