Nothing establishes Atomfall’s oppressively hostile world quite like the towering B.A.R.D. sentry robots. These giant metal hunks only need a couple of seconds to turn seasoned players to dust. Despite the risk, the glowing blue battery on their backs is tempting all the same. Thankfully, these robots can be overcome with some careful offensive strategies. Here’s how to defeat the B.A.R.D. robots in Atomfall.
There are two common variants of the BARD robot: The visor-wearing one with normal turret arms, and the helmeted one with two flamethrowers on its back. Each of the robots has a different weak point that can be targeted to defeat it faster; we’ll start with the turret robot.
Turret B.A.R.D. Robot
First, some prep work to prevent needless death. Make sure to carry one or two Combat Stims and/or Painkillers to prevent some of the massive turret damage and buff your attacks. Unlike the other robot, this one doesn’t inflict any status effects. Take advantage of the single turret on the robot’s right arm by hiding behind buildings or bunkers where it can’t properly track you. Just be sure to avoid the deadly melee swings of its left arm.

To take down the turret BARD robot, you need to aim your attacks at either its domed visor headpiece or central electrical panel. Applying enough damage to either weak point puts the robot into a stunned overheated state. The domed visor breaks faster than the electrical panel and also blinds the robot to your movements, so aim at its head for the most efficient take-down. After enough damage, the robot enters its brief stunned phase, which creates an opportunity to take its atom battery.

Just run to the glowing blue Atom Battery on the back of the robot and remove it by holding down Square on PS5 (X on Xbox). The turret robot cannot be fully defeated until the battery is removed from its back. It will continue patrolling the area but will suffer from blindness if the dome is broken with the battery still intact.
Flamethrower B.A.R.D. Robot

You need to bring some Fire Resistance bottles with you before engaging this robot because its flames can KO you in an instant. You’ll also need to keep your distance from the flamethrower’s arc. Unlike the other robot, the flamethrower variant can’t rain down damage from afar; it’s only really deadly up close. Rifles with scopes are ideal for the kind of long-distance accuracy needed to dispatch this guy’s flame canisters.

Aim your attacks at either of the two flamethrower canisters on the robot’s back shoulders. The canisters begin to spout flames when punctured, eventually blowing up and dealing significant damage to the robot and surrounding area.
The only way to fully destroy the flamethrower robot is to stun it by destroying both flame canisters and then removing the Atom Battery. Like the turret robot, this one continues its patrol when the battery is left in, albeit with a neutered flame attack once its canisters are damaged enough. Removing the battery is the same exact process as the turret robot: run up to the battery on the back and hold Square or X to remove it.
Now that you know how to properly take on the intimidating robots of Atomfall’s world, check out our guides on Atomfall’s telephone ending, or whether or not you should tell Captain Sims about the church murder.
Published: Mar 21, 2025 2:00 PM UTC