The brand new Island Sanctuary mode is finally available in Final Fantasy XIV, allowing players to live out their Animal Crossing fantasies in the popular MMORPG. Here’s how to plant seeds and grow crops in FFXIV Island Sanctuary.
How to Plant Seeds in FFXIV Island Sanctuary
After unlocking the Island Sanctuary, the Felicitous Furball will walk you through a couple of basic tutorial quests to get you acquainted with the systems. After constructing your hideaway, you’ll then be directed towards the produce manager.
Head to the northern ridge just behind your cozy cabin, speak with the NPC, and you’ll have a nice cropland ready for growing crops.
From the Island Sanctuary menu box, click on the mode button and select Sow. Next to the mode button, click on the box and select whichever seeds you want to plant.

Head over to the tilled land, then right-click, and your character will automatically plant the seeds in the ground.
Growing Crops
After that, don’t forget to water your crops as well. Change the mode to Water from the Island Sanctuary menu box, then right-click the crops to water them. You’ll need to check back from time to time to water your crops and harvest them.
How to Get More Seeds in FFXIV Island Sanctuary
The good news is that seeds are extremely easy to obtain in Island Sanctuary. They’re pretty much scattered all over the island, so you don’t have to look very far at all, and you don’t need tools to harvest them.
Simply look for gathering nodes on the ground, and chances are good that you’ll be able to get a few seeds here and there.
That’s all you need to know about how to plant seeds and grow crops in FFXIV Island Sanctuary. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on FFXIV patch 6.2, including how to start the new MSQ and craft items in Island Sanctuary.
Published: Aug 23, 2022 12:03 PM UTC