Developed by Kojima Productions and created by Hideo Kojima, you can safely expect Death Stranding to be filled with all sorts of gameplay twists and turns. Just as you think you’ve got a hang of things, the game throws you a curveball. Here’s what to do with the Small Thermonuclear Weapon package for Fragile in Death Stranding.
Do be warned that there are minor spoilers ahead in this article, so if you’d rather try to figure this one out for yourself, look away now.
What to Do With Small Thermonuclear Weapon for Fragile in Death Stranding
Towards the very end of episode 3, just as you’re about to make your final delivery to South Knot City, a Bridges deliveryman will stop you and give you a package that’s for Fragile. Load it into your cargo, and you’ll see that it’s a bright flashing red package just called the Small Thermonuclear Weapon. Yup, totally inconspicuous and nothing wrong here.
If you continue on to South Knot City, you’ll trigger a cutscene that flashes back to when Sam received the package, the Weapon will explode, and you’ll get a Game Over screen.
However, if you’ve been paying attention to what Die Hardman has been telling you, you’ll know that Fragile herself can be located in the Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City. That’s where you need to go.
Head up there, rest in the Private Room, and you’ll trigger a cutscene with Fragile where she investigates the Small Thermonuclear Weapon herself. After the cutscene, you’ll be tasked with making an emergency delivery where you have to dispose of the package in the crater lake to the east of the continent.
Do that within the generous 20-minute time limit, and you’re all set.
Take the package to the Distribution Center South of Lake Knot City and rest in the Private Room to progress.
That’s all you need to know about what to do with the Small Thermonuclear Weapon for Fragile in Death Stranding. Be sure to check our Death Stranding guide wiki for more tips and information on the game.
Here are a few other guides to help get you started:
Published: Nov 11, 2019 9:30 AM UTC