Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
You are your friends can reach new heights with a mod that allows you to stack multiple players on top of each other in a somewhat unstable looking tower. If you and some buddies need to travels to a certain place together, this mod will allow one person (the bottom of the stack) to carry everyone in your group at once. Each player can hold up to four others, and by simply hopping onto their shoulders from a higher height you can rest on the shoulders of the person below. To get players off your back you can also just jump in some water to make them fall off.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
For builders who enjoy making elaborate minecart roller-coasters in Minecraft, this add-on allows you to choose different speeds for the cart itself for even more customization. The attraction minecart add-on has the minecarts go at different speeds according to what items are placed within them before you get in yourself. In normal Minecraft, you hold an item in your hand to choose between two speed modes of x1 and x1000, in this add-on if you have a TNT in the minecart it will go fast (although slower than the crazy fast x1000), a Hopper inside will make it go slow, and a Chest will have the cart be suspended above the tracks. Use this addition to have even more fun with building coasters, whether you want it to go slower with a more chill, monorail vibe, or super fast like a crazy rollercoaster.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
This new mod offers additional potions to the ones already included in-game. A new type of Villager named The Brewer sells eight nee types of potions to the player, and you consume the potion by simply holding it. The new potions include:
- Health Boost Potion (duration: 120s, effect: +20 hearts )
- Super Speed Potion (duration: 20s, effect: +0.4 speed)
- Gravity Potion (duration: 20s, effect: no gravity)
- Feather Potion (duration: 120s, effect: no fall damage)
- Knockback Potion (duration: 60s, effect: no knockback)
- Attack Damage Potion (duration: 10s, effect: +7 damage)
- Magic Potion (duration: 60s, effect: no damage through potions)
- Wither Potion (duration: 60s, effect: no wither effect damage)
To create The Brewer Villager, just give a cauldron to any Villager you see and try out some of the new status effects.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
The Weapons Case Loot Mod brings 24 new swords to the Bedrock edition of Minecraft. Although you cannot actually craft them, every so often a dead mob will drop a Weapons Case that will contain one of the new swords. Of course in creative mode, you can also just access the swords via the search tab and try them all out at once if you wish. Three weapons have special abilities, such as the furious sword that lights enemies on fire. The remaining 21 weapons simply have differing attack damages, but they still all have a unique look and color to them. Just a heads up though, this mod will only work on Android devices.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
This mod adds the iconic Slenderman as a mob enemy you can encounter in the wild. You can try and fight him if you’re brave enough, but you’ll soon find it’s a lot more challenging than engaging a normal mob. Not only can he teleport at will, but is also able to both blind and poison you, leaving you extremely vulnerable to attacks. The mod creators guesses if you ever encounter a Slenderman, it should only be a minute or so before you are dead for sure.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
Along with the explosives already available in-game, this mod adds four new types that are actually able to be thrown across distances. Some of which just spawn TNT wherever they land, but others actually explode on impact as seen in the picture above. They can come in handy when fighting monsters you want to keep at a distance, or quickly clearing out land without fear of damaging yourself by being too close to any explosions.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
If you want your Creepers to be even more creepy, this mod allows you to change their heads – along with three other mobs – to masks depicting the horror-title Five Nights at Freddy’s characters. The new masks include:
- Freddy Fazbear – Replaces Creeper Head
- Chica – Replaces Skeleton Head
- Foxy – Replaces Wither Skeleton Head
- Bonnie – Replaces Zombie Head
The heads appear a bit larger than normal mob heads, and you can collect them by killing the mobs in survival mode or simply searching for them in the crafting menu in creative mode.
Best New Minecraft PE Mods of February 2018
This mod adds two super fun features to Minecraft PE, one being mounted laser guns that rest on player’s shoulder and the second a massive steampunk robot suit you can ride in yourself. The mounter laser guns can detect mods within a certain radius, and will automatically shoot at them through no control of the player. They can be very helpful while searching in dark mines, or even building at night without having to worry about paying attention to mobs too much. The steampunk suit replaces horses, and you can mount them very similarly to how you would mount a horse. They can run very fast and jump super high, and best of all they take no fall damage when dropping from high heights. It will automatically stomp nearby enemies, and when low on health it deploys a “creeper shield” to attempt to protect it further from nearby enemies.
Published: Mar 6, 2018 6:50 PM UTC