Gogeta Super Saiyan 4
For many lifelong Dragon Ball fans, there was nothing more rewarding than witnessing the fusion of their two favorite Saiyans. This Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta cosplay brings the powerful Saiyan fusion to life.
Cosplay by BachanKawaii
Dr. Gero/ Android 20
Many of the comments on this popular Dr. Gero cosplay are from other cosplayers eagerly trying to get tips on creating realistic wrinkles and applying flawless prosthetics. The real secret here is that this cosplayer didn’t need makeup magic. This Dr. Gero cosplay is a reminder that there are Dragon Ball fans of all ages and there are few more badass than the man behind this fantastic cosplay.
Cosplay by SFDesign21
Trunks and Mai
The Dragon Ball series was full of a variety of endearing couples and Trunks and Mai were certainly a favorite for many viewers. With so much fan art celebrating Future Trunks and Mai’s relationship, it’s no surprise that this cosplaying pair deciding to bring the couple to life.
Cosplay by Ayano_Ebina and Caydance
Cosplay by Queen Azshara
MsValentine detailed her journey to creating this fun ChiChi cosplay on her personal blog. The cosplay took a little more than $100 and a month to make. She admitted that most of the work went into the long trial and error process of discovering which fabrics and patterns worked best for the handmade clothing. The end result, however, was completely worth it.
Cosplay by MsValentine
Freeza is perhaps one of the most iconic villains of the entire Dragon Ball series and this cosplay pays homage in a wonderful way.
Cosplay by Glay
For many young Dragon Ball viewers Piccolo was the mentor slash faux uncle that everyone wanted. There was no better intergalactic godfather than the mighty Piccolo. While he was introduced to the series as a villain, his relationship with Gohan ultimately turned that around and made him an immediate fan favorite.
Cosplay by Schaack Mickael
Most cosplayers don’t attempt to take on a task quite as challenging as this intergalactic god and it’s easy to see why. There is a lot of detail that goes into a cosplay like this but Krys Vilaster and his friends made the task look easy with this beautiful cosplay.
Cosplay by Krys Vilaster
Baby Trunks
These adorability levels are through the roof. This Baby Trunks cosplay is packed with cuteness and will quickly shatter any scouter that attempts to place a value on just how cute this really is.
Cosplay by Adella and her son
Android 18
Android 18 isn’t necessarily a difficult cosplay but capturing her attitude is another story. Lie-chee had no problem bringing the snarky android’s personality to life with this simple yet incredibly fun cosplay.
Cosplay by Lie-chee
Perhaps one of the biggest challenge for many Dragon Ball cosplayers is dealing with the variety of skin tones that the characters have. Changing skin tones is about more than just slapping paint on your body. A bad paint job can make the faux skin tone look chalky, muddy or just downright ugly. Fortunately, Cheesy Hipster was able to pull it off flawlessly.
Cosplay by Cheesy Hipster
Bulma is a classic heroine among the Dragon Ball cast and Maria Moreno did an excellent job bringing the teal haired character to life. It’s another simple cosplay but also one that has gone in the wrong direction for other cosplayers in the past so it’s only right Moreno receives credit for pulling this look off.
Cosplay by Maria Moreno
Cosplaying as Cell is a tall order to fulfill but this cosplayer surprised everyone with just how great this one turned out.
Cosplay by Sebastian
Krillin and Super Saiyan Goku
Let’s be honest. Goku spends a lot of time throughout the Dragon Ball series laughing in the face of death. For that very reason it’s no surprise that many cosplays decided to portray the series’ main protagonist in a battered state.
Cosplay by Dat
Maijin Buu
A flawless Maijin Buu cosplay is impressive enough. Transforming into the shirtless pink villain when you’re a woman is an even greater accomplishment. This is yet another incredible feat for professional cosplayer Sosenka who has become known for her jaw-dropping transformations.
Cosplay by Sosenka
Master Roshi and Beerus
Cosplay by Sosenka
Master Roshi and Sanji
Sanji may be from the world of One Piece but let’s be honest, Sanji and Master Roshi belong in the same world. Both of the characters are known for their dramatic nosebleeds whenever beautiful women are in there presence.
Cosplay by Steven Poirier and Dustin Young
Super Saiyan Goku
Cosplay by Alex
Tao Pai Pai
Sometimes the only thing that makes a great cosplay even better is an incredible photoshoot with stunning editing. This cosplayer not only brought Tao Pai Pai to life but the photographer did a fantastic job of recreating an entire universe around Tao Pai Pai.
Cosplay by jeffbedash325
Vegeta and Bulma
So this Vegeta and Bulma aren’t from the same series but they still look adorable together.
Cosplay by PinkLemon91 and David Ravera
Even more proof that a simple cosplay can still be a great cosplay. This Videl cosplay looks great and somehow you can even feel Videl’s usual confident demeanor pouring out from Enji Night.
Cosplay by Enji Night
This cosplay would be impressive no matter who was responsible for bringing Goku’s son to life but there is one big element of surprise behind this cosplay that makes it particularly fun. That cosplayer is a woman.
Cosplay by TechnoRanma
Goku Super Saiyan 4
Cosplay by Oniakako
Majin Vegeta
Cosplay by Alex
Cosplay by Nadyasonika



Baby Trunks

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta




Tao Pai Pai


Majin Vegeta


Dr. Gero / Android 20

Vegeta and Bulma

Trunks and Mai

Majin Buu

Master Roshi and Beerus

Master Roshi and Sanji

Super Saiyan Goku

Android 18



Super Saiyan 4 Goku


Published: Dec 27, 2016 12:08 AM UTC