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Top 10 Longest Open World RPGs, Ranked By Number of Quests

Size matters!

5) Final Fantasy XV – 291 Quests

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Final Fantasy XV

The notion of an open world Final Fantasy – one in development for a decade, no less – had fans of the series drooling in expectation. Leather attire, windswept hair, and one terrible British accent aside, Final Fantasy XV wowed gamers with its expanse and density.

Gameplay demonstrations in the build up to Final Fantasy XV’s release showcased epic battles with beasts of ginormous proportions and a massive landscape packed full of distractions. And on this promise, the game delivered, with the magnitude of Square Enix’s long-awaited RPG exceeding expectations. Right from the off, there is a stack of side quests to knock off, meaning that players can easily rack up tens of hours before delving into any substantial story.

There are 41 story driven quests and around 120 side quests. The rest of the logged quests are comprised of Bounty Hunts — combat quests that task players with eliminating beats in return for Gil and items, inflating the 291 total. It should also be noted that many of XV’s side quests are menial tasks such as photo opportunities and fishing missions, which often take very little time to complete.

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Image of Alex Gibson
Alex Gibson
Alex was a Senior Editor at Twinfinite and worked on the site between January 2017 and March 2023. He covered the ins and outs of Valorant extensively, and frequently provided expert insight into the esports scene and wider video games industry. He was a self-proclaimed history & meteorological expert, and knew about games too. Playing Games Since: 1991, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action