While the Jurassic Park series may have gone a bit off the rails with recent iterations, there is no denying that the original is still a classic. Whether it is the mystery of the island and its creatures, the chaotic action, or the visual effects, just about everything still holds up today.
As good as Jurassic Park is, though, it simply can’t hold a candle to the Jurassic Purrk video that Youtuber OwlKitty just made using their cat. As you can see in the video below, this adorable video replaces the infamous T-Rex with the creator’s black cat, and it makes for some hilarious results.
Instead of the T-Rex barring down on the group in the car in its intro scene in Jurassic Park, OwlKitty’s cat scratches on the window and cuddles up with the car for some cute, yet still surprisingly intimidating, action. Cat food also replaces a flair in order to get this giant kitty’s attention, and it works seamlessly.
If you’re wondering how exactly the Youtuber was able to accomplish this swaparoo, you need only look at the rest of their page, which features plenty of other amazing cat movie parodies that are all done with the help of green screen and editing. There, you’ll find everything from Claws! to Godzilla vs. Cat to Home Alone, all of which will surely have you laughing till it hurts.
While you’re here, don’t forget to check out all of the other great Jurassic Park and sci-fi-related content we’ve got for you. That includes lots of features, news, and quizzes that’ll suit your every need.
Featured Image Source: YouTube
Published: Nov 4, 2021 3:51 PM UTC