pidgey, bird, starter, pokemon

The Evolution of Pokemon’s Starting Birds, From Pidgey to Pikipek

Pidgey shall forever live on!

Fletchling (2013)

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“Although Fletchling’s chirp is quite beautiful to hear, it is relentlessly tough with those who enter its territory.”

Rather than going for the typical pigeon look, Fletchling adopts the cuter and more dainty look of a robin. Unfortunately, this doesn’t make them any less common or annoying than the likes of Pidgey or Pidove as its encounter rate remains at 33.3%. Despite looking like it should be way smaller than a Pidgey, Fletchling is pretty much the same weight and the exact same height as the OG aerial pest itself.

Training Fletchling to level 17 will see it evolve into Fletchinder, and this is where the Pidgey variant for Pokemon X and Y stands out a bit among the crowd.


“From its beak, it expels embers that set the tall grass on fire. Then it pounces on the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass.”

Rather than it just being yet another Normal/ Flying type, Fletchling’s evolution into Fletchinder actually sees it change type into a Fire and Flying type. It seems like Fletchinder uses its newfound firey abilities in a pretty dark way, if its Pokedex entry is anything to go by. They enjoy casually smoking out any Pokemon in the grass and destroying their homes.


“In the fever of an exciting battle, it showers embers from the gaps between its feathers and takes to the air.”

When evolving into Talonflame at level 35, its types remain the same, as its name suggests. Compared to all other final evolutions, Talonflame definitely takes the award for the most formidable looking with its striking black and yellow striped tail, flame-like red tongues peeking into its black wings, and eagle-like face.

Despite its badass looks, Talonflame’s base stats are actually generally weaker across the board than those of Pidgeot. While it does have an advantage when it comes to Speed and Special Attack, Pidgeot manages to outdo everywhere else. Thanks to its huge Speed boost, however, Talonflame emerges victorious with its total stat figure being 30 higher than that of Pidgeot.

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Image of Chris Jecks
Chris Jecks
Chris Jecks has been covering the games industry for over eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite, any good shooters, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.