games like days gone

4 Games Like Days Gone If You’re Looking for Something Similar

Mad Max

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games like days gone

Similar to Days Gone’s focus on Deacon’s bike, Mad Max has a real focus on vehicular combat and modifications with the highly customizable Magnum Opus.

But unlike the lush woodland of Oregon, the Wasteland that is the setting for the 2015 title is just that, a barren and lifeless hellscape.

You spend your time foraging for the basics that you will need to survive and to upgrade both your arsenal and the aforementioned Magnum Opus. Like Days Gone too, you will constantly be on the lookout for the tribes of freaks and horrors that are out for your blood, with ambushes around every other corner.

Surprisingly, there is a fairly great story to Mad Max, who kind of opens up in a way he never did in the movies. Exploring the open world of the Wasteland and liberating its various peoples from their various oppressors is surprisingly compelling, and if you enjoyed that aspect of Sony Bend’s latest exclusive, then this one may just scratch that itch.

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Khayl Adam
Khayl Adam is an Australian games writer, and he plays ALL of the games. He is a denizen of the Meta-Verse, a veteran of the Total Wars, and a graduate of the prestigious Balamb Garden SeeD Academy. He writes about his life-long love affair with video games in the name of