villains, starcraft II

10 Games That Are Mesmerizing to Watch Pros Play

Professional Chaos

League of Legends/DOTA 2

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We’re cheating a bit here and combining both of these legendary MOBAs simply because it comes more down to personal taste for viewing. Both of these games have a high skill cap for those looking to call themselves professional, which can makes viewing these games such a fascinating spectacle. Not only does each game boast a staggering number of champions to pick from but players are allowed to ban choices before each match. This turns both of these titles into elaborate games of chess, toying with the oppositions mind before the map is even loaded up.

However, once the match is underway users are in for a treat as the pinpoint precision and tactics these teams come up with keeps the viewing experience exciting. Battles are fast and furious with the smallest changes making the biggest difference in team fights. Even though there’s a lot going on during fights, getting a chance to witness the sheer level of skill on display never gets old for these MOBAs.

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Image of Collin MacGregor
Collin MacGregor
Collin was a Senior Staff Writer for Twinfinite from 2016 to 2017 and is a lover of all things horror. When he's not healing his teammates in Overwatch, raiding in Destiny, making poor choices in Dark Souls, or praying for a new Ape Escape you can now find him working at Bungie as an Associate World Designer.