10 Difficult Mass Effect Decisions That Had Us Sweatin’ Like That Key & Peele Gif

The effect of these choices will be felt for years to come.

Save the Geth or the Quarians – Mass Effect 3

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mass effect 3

Prior to the events of Mass Effect, the Quarians created the Geth to act as a new type of intelligent robotic slave. But when the Geth started questioning their own existence, the Quarians realized they had created AI and attempted to eradicate their creation. The Geth took up arms and drove the Quarians from their home world, Rannoch. The Quarians became nomads, forced to live inside suits that protected their weak immune systems from the galaxy’s diseases. Other races are distrustful of the Quarians, believing them to be scavengers and thieves.

In Mass Effect 3, the Quarians want to reclaim their homeworld from the Geth. Shepard steps in to help, hoping to achieve peace for both sides and secure an alliance from both species in the fight against the Reapers. But things don’t go smoothly, and players are forced to choose which race survives the ensuing conflict.

What makes this decision so difficult is that it’s easy to feel pity for both sides, as each endured hardship but also committed their own share of atrocities.  Shepard also has squad mates that hail from both sides, and your choice condemns at least one of them to death.

There is a way to keep both sides alive if the player consistently worked for peace between the two species across the campaigns for both Mass Effect 2 and 3. However, even if peace is achieved for both sides, this decision would still force you to permanently say goodbye to at least one of Shepard’s trusted companions.

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Jordan Ramée
A geek by occupation, Jordan attends conventions solely to run into fellow makers, content creators, and artists. When he's not slacking off with a new video game, anime, or graphic novel, he's writing, video editing, or podcasting.