Riot Games is about to launch the second Act of Valorant’s Episode 6, which is highly anticipated for the release of a new Agent named Gekko. Additionally, there is, of course, a brand new battle pass to grind for. Before all that, though, there’s the small matter of finishing off this Act’s BP, so here’s what time the Valorant Battle Pass ends.
What Time the Valorant Battle Pass Ends
The first Act of Episode 6 launched on Tuesday/Wednesday, Jan. 10/Jan. 11, 2023, and is due to end on Tuesday/Wednesday, March 7/8. Note that the day will be different depending on the region you are playing. The Americas receive new updates first (U.S, Brazil, LATAM, etc), then it arrives in regions moving eastward (Europe, then Asia, then Oceania), meaning you have a few more hours to complete the current battle pass if you’re from these regions.
As for a specific time for the end of the Battle Pass, it’s typically in tandem with the taking down of Valorant’s competitive queue or shortly thereafter. That is due to take place at the following times for each region:
- Latin America: 06:00 PDT
- North America: 06:00 PDT
- Brazil: 06:00 PDT
- Asia Pacific: 14:00 PDT
- Korea: 14:00 PDT
- Europe: 20:00 PDT
Do keep in mind you will need to convert the times above from Pacific to your local time, which, again, may fall on the following day depending on where you’re playing.
The servers will go down for a number of hours as the new update rolls out, and the competitive queue will end several hours before the times listed above. If you’re grinding for the final tiers of your BP then don’t leave it too late! Also note that the Competitive queue will go down even earlier before all of this, and you will only be able to play Unrated/Spike Rush/Replication/Escalation/Customs during this time.
That should give you everything you need to know about what time the Valorant Battle Pass ends. For more useful tips and guides on the game, search Twinfinite. Remember that the end of the current Act also coincides with the end of the Nightmarket.
Published: Mar 6, 2023 11:39 AM UTC