Overwatch 2 is finally out on PC and consoles. While the general gameplay may still be the same, the way Overwatch 2 monitors your contributions has changed in some ways. If you are wondering about the changes to the scoreboard in Overwatch 2 and what does MIT mean, read on to find out.
Overwatch 2 MIT Meaning
If you are looking at the MIT portion of the scoreboard and scratching your head, the answer is actually quite simple. MIT stands for mitigated damage, essentially damage that has been prevented by a skill. This statistic “encompasses the previous Damage Blocked, but also keeps track of damage prevented by effects such as Ana’s Nano Boost or Orisa’s Fortify.”

While it might seem like tanks are the best heroes for mitigating damage, other heroes such as Lucio and Kiriko can also contribute to this stat with their abilities. For instance, Lucio’s Sound Barrier gives everyone extra HP, and damage taken during this time will count as mitigated damage.
Overwatch 2 Scoreboard Changes Explained
Other than the addition of the MIT portion, the Overwatch 2 scoreboard has also made some changes to the Assist statistic. Now, all the Defensive and Offensive Assists are collated under this singular stat.
So, the columns marked E, A, D, DMG, H, and MIT represent Eliminations, Assists, Deaths, Hero Damage dealt, Healing Done, and Damage Mitigated respectively.
Blizzard has also changed up the layout of the scoreboard for players to have an easier understanding of the things that matter, make progression more obvious by using numeric values and increased the transparency so you can still keep an eye on the action while checking the scoreboard.
That’s all you need to know when it comes to the changes to the scoreboard in Overwatch 2 and what does MIT mean in your game. Be sure to check out other related content like how to fix the Watchpoint Pack if it is not working, get a better understanding of the Junker Queen, or read about what the arrival of Overwatch 2 will mean for the original game. For everything else, you can search Twinfinite.
Published: Oct 5, 2022 5:28 AM UTC