If you want to make every last potion that you possibly can in the Wacky Wizards world of Roblox, you’ll need to get each and every ingredient hidden around the world. The dynamite is one such ingredient and while it’s incredibly tricky to find if you don’t know where it is, it’s not all that hard to grab when you do. In this guide, we’ll run you through how to get the dynamite ingredient in Wacky Wizards.
How to Get the Dynamite Ingredient in Wacky Wizards
To get the dynamite in Wacky Wizards, head into the desert area from your cauldron.
Once you arrive here, you should see a railroad track coming out of a rocky wall, across a bridge and into another wall.
Head over to the start of the bridge on your side of the gap and walk a step or two onto the bridge itself.
You now need to spin your camera around, so it’s looking underneath the bridge, directly where you’re standing.

The dynamite ingredient is attached just underneath the bridge itself on the side you’ve just stepped on from. Click on it with your mouse and you’ll get the dynamite ingredient in Wacky Wizards.
This is one of the easiest ingredients to get your hands on in Wacky Wizards when you know where to look for it. We’ve also got guides on getting the Chili and Spider ingredients, if you haven’t yet added those to your collection.
That’s everything you need to know on how to get the dynamite ingredient in Wacky Wizards. For more tips, tricks and guides, search for Twinfinite, or see more of our coverage on Roblox below.
Published: Jul 1, 2021 8:33 AM UTC