Jolly Redd is one of New Horizon’s brand new NPCs, though this isn’t his first appearance in an Animal Crossing game. As he has in the past, this sneaky salesman comes to your island aboard a treasure trawler packed with exotic goods you can purchase to deck out the museum. However, not all are legit. Here we’ll explain everything you need to know about the Robust Statue in Animal Crossing New Horizons and how to spot the difference between real and fake items.
How to Get the Robust in Animal Crossing New Horizons
Most of Redd’s art pieces are paintings, but he has a number of statues as well. Regardless, they all cost 4,980 Bells and can be purchased from him alone. Although, you can obviously obtain them by trading with other players, too.
Redd should show up at your island once a week, but this will only occur once you have set up the museum questline. That is to say, you must have donated regularly to the museum and spoken with Blathers about featuring art at the museum. When Isabelle warn you that some art dealers peddle fakes, that’s your cue that the questline is in motion and Redd is inbound.
Jolly Redd and his trawler will land on the north beach of your island. You can hop aboard and check out his stock, which is completely random; sometimes containing only fakes, while other times only real paintings or a combination of both.
There’s every chance the Robust Statue will be among the art pieces in stock, so if that’s the case and you have the Bells, then buy away. But make sure you know the differences between real and fake first!
Real and Fake Differences
So, what are they exactly? Well, in the case of the Robust Statue, which is actually the ancient Greek statue “The Discobolus of Myron,” look out for athlete wearing a watch. As you might have guessed, not many ancient Greeks were donning watches back in the 400 BCs!

Unlike a few other pieces of art in Redd’s collection, choosing the incorrect piece will not cause any spooky effects. It is not a haunted item.
That is everything you should need to know about the Robust Statue in Animal Crossing New Horizons. For more useful tips and guides on the game, Twinfinite’s extensive guide wiki has you covered. You can find guides on how to spot differences between all the other real/fake paintings.
Published: May 12, 2020 11:35 AM UTC