Top 15 Most Iconic Video Game Weapons, Ranked

15. Gjallarhorn – Destiny

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iconic video game weapons

We begin this list of iconic video game weapons with an entry that is comparatively more recent than many of the others on this list. Known to the Destiny community as one of the most overpowered exotic weapons in the game, it leaves a lasting impression when it nearly one shots raid bosses in the blink of an eye.

With its splitting homing missiles and its ungodly damage, it encompasses the best and worst aspects of Destiny weapons. However, to get this bad boy, you just have to cross your fingers and pray to the Destiny loot gods.

14. Spy’s Butterfly Knife – Team Fortress 2

Most Iconic Video Game Weapons

Depending on which team a spy is on, they can be your best friend or the most annoying and rage-inducing enemy on the planet. Equipped with his signature butterfly knife, the Spy has the ability to insta-kill any other class with a backstab that can get you right out of nowhere. Granted, getting that backstab is a feat all on its own so the Spy’s gameplay difficulty more or less balances out his arguably overpowered weapon.

13. Scorpion’s Spear – Mortal Kombat Series

iconic video game weapons

Scorpion’s Spear is perhaps an iconic weapon due to the fact that, without fail, our darling Scorpion yells out “Get Over Here!” as he mercilessly drags an enemy halfway across the battlefield. Literally in every single Mortal Kombat, Scorpion’s signature move and weapon satisfyingly snatches the enemy’s wig every time he throws it out.

While technically a kunai instead of an actual spear, it still gets the job done. After gracing us with his beautiful presence in Mortal Kombat 11, we’ll be looking forward to seeing more of Scorpion and his deadly weapon in the future.

12. Plasma Cutter – Dead Space Series

iconic video game weapons

When you’re literally trapped in space with horrifying and crazy monsters crawling all over the place, the Plasma Cutter becomes your best friend.

Other than a stiff melee, this old reliable sweetheart is your most basic defense against the dangerous necromorphs. Customizable and coming in many different forms, it really does fit into any environment.

Honestly, in an analogy, the Plasma Cutter is to Isaac Clarke as the Assault Rifle is to Master Chief.

11. Fatman – Fallout Series

The Fallout series can have some crazy weapons but nothing beats the absolute danger, power, and ridiculousness of the Fatman. Literally fueled by mini-nukes, the Fatman is a rocket launcher that packs an insane punch with a huge area of explosion.

Living in a post-apocalyptic radioactive wasteland has left humans to become very creative with their weaponry. The Fatman is a crowning example of this especially when you realize said humans managed to turn the big nukes that got them into this mess into tiny portable death.

10. Lancer – Gears of War Series

iconic video game weapons

The Gears of War series in itself is already incredibly iconic due to its excessive gore and violence. Its signature weapon fits comfortably within this aesthetic due to the fact that it is a literal assault rifle with a chainsaw attached to the bottom.

Instead of traditional melee, you can slice through the flesh of nearly every enemy and decorate your screen with plenty of blood. It’s an iconic video weapon due to its brutality, creativity, and versatility. It’s no wonder it’s the go-to weapon for the Gears.

9. Blades of Chaos – God of War Series

iconic video game weapons

Appearing throughout most of the God of War series, these bad boys have been by Kratos’ side through much of his journey of revenge and, most recently, redemption.

Forged by Ares, these destructive chained blades hold the weight and emotion of Kratos’ entire story and it’s simply poetic cinema when Kratos reluctantly wields then once again in God of War (2018). Perhaps, to make everything come full circle, we’ll be seeing Atreus using them in a potential sequel.

8. Hidden Blade – Assassin’s Creed Series

iconic video game weapons

The Hidden Blade is the chosen and most basic weapon of assassins within the Assassin’s Creed series. Aptly named, these blades are covertly held beneath the wrist to create the quick and discreet kills assassins are known for.

The blade’s history literally spans the length of centuries from Bayek’s use of them in Ancient Egypt to modern assassin’s still utilizing them to this day. So, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Except for the whole slicing your ring finger off thing. Glad they fixed that.

7. Crowbar – Half-Life Series

An iconic video game weapon doesn’t need to be something as grandiose as a literal nuke launcher or complex blades forged by the god of war himself.

Sometimes it can simply be a crowbar wielded by a guy with a whole bunch of determination. You can’t often say that the protagonist of a sci-fi video game with gravity guns goes whacking at creepy alien enemies with something you can find in your toolbox.

Though, apparently, it works and, at this point, it would be a crime for the crowbar to not appear in Half-Life: Alyx.

6. Portal Gun – Portal Series

Continuing on with another Valve game, the Portal gun from the Portal Series is unique in the way that it’s not an actual “weapon.” It’s essentially a transportation device that can create portals on physical surfaces to move you from one place to the other.

Add in a bunch of puzzles and a not-so-distantly insane AI and you get the #Portal experience. Unlike a lot of the other entries on this list, this is an iconic video game weapon that needs you to think before using it.

5. Buster Sword – Final Fantasy VII

The Final Fantasy series is known for being pretty creative with pretty much all of the weapons in its games. There have been gun blades, boomerangs, and a number of beautifully designed swords but one of the most iconic is Cloud’s Buster Sword.

Its weirdly sleek despite its wide, butcher knife-esque design and Cloud wields it without seemingly any issue. In the original game, it was probably a total of like two polygons so seeing it gorgeously remade for the Final Fantasy VII remake is just *chef’s kiss*.

4. BFG 9000 – Doom Series

The Doom series is ridiculously hardcore and wonderfully gory. And, in true Doom fashion, the series features an overpowered and incredibly destructive weapon known as the BFG 9000. BFG stands for “Big Fucking Gun” and, in all of its appearances, the BFG 9000 is indeed big.

In the most recent Doom, it even takes up a good chunk of the screen. How Doomguy or the Doomslayer even hold it is beyond me. Listening to BFG Division while killing enemies with the BFG 9000 is probably the ultimate power move.

3. Energy Sword – Halo Series

The Energy Sword has become a classic at this point in video game history. Not only is it wonderfully and uniquely designed, but it also cuts through enemies like butter.

A staple for the Elites, the Arbiter, and the Master Chief on occasion, it has appeared in all of the main Halo games. There’s a reason it hasn’t changed much in its base design throughout the series and it’s simply because it’s already pretty good at what it does. The Energy Sword also has that aesthetic that is just so beautifully Halo.

2. Master Sword – Legend of Zelda

iconic video game weapons

The Master Sword is one of the most well known and iconic video game weapons. It has appeared in literally every Zelda game and it has even shown up in many other games as an Easter egg.

It’s the sword.

Even if you’re not a Legend of Zelda fan you know about its existence. It wouldn’t be a Legend of Zelda game without the Master Sword showing up at some point.

Link’s weapon is the Master Sword and that’s that. We’re ready to see it show up in Breath of the Wild 2.

1. Mario Kart Shells – Mario Kart

The top spot on this list of iconic video game weapons belongs to friendship ending and relationship ruining pain. The Mario Kart Shells are notorious for turning a Mario Kart race into a dirty game or ruining the day of the person who was in first place the entire race up until the end.

We grouped the shells together into one entry but the blue shell is arguably the worst out of them all.

Near unavoidable and the bane of every player who has ever been in first place, the blue shell is a heart-palpitating nightmare. A family-friendly party game series shouldn’t be this intense but the cruelty of the Mario Kart Shells keeps it from being a peaceful series.

Which video game weapon is the most iconic to you? Let us know in the comments down below!

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Image of Nelia-Sol White
Nelia-Sol White
Nelia runs around with a Bachelor's degree in Communications and another Bachelor's in Creative Writing because she's an overachiever. They help her do those word things good. She can do the video games good too. Playing Games Since: 1995, Favorite Genres: RPG, Action, Everything Assassin's Creed