After years and years of waiting, Dreams has finally launched on PS4. After being in Early Access for almost a year, players can now play the story mode that Media Molecule created. In case you’re wondering if you’ll be able to play with other people online, here’s everything you need to know about whether Dreams is multiplayer.
Exactly how multiplayer would potentially work is difficult to say. You’d imagine that It’ll be like how it works in Super Mario Maker 2 on Switch.
As two different characters, or Imps in the case of Dreams, you’ll be able to complete levels together and build them by working together. However, with there being pretty much no limits when it comes to what you can create, multiplayer might not always make sense.
Is Dreams Multiplayer?
Anyway, as of launch and the time of this guide’s writing, the is no multiplayer component in Dreams. However, that should change sometime in the future.
In an interview with Eurogamer, Media Molecule’s Co-Founder, Alex Evans, said:
“I’d love to get multiplayer in there but we haven’t got a date for that as that’s not nearly done, but that’s one that I really care about as I designed the code for multiplayer from the beginning so I’m confident it’ll come out, I just can’t say when.”
Therefore, it’s clear that multiplayer should be coming to Dreams at some point, should everything go according to plan. With PSVR support coming soon, and considering how there’s always new player-created content to jump into, the wait for multiplayer just means there are more updates to come.
We will be sure to update you here once information on Dreams’ multiplayer has been revealed, so check back with us.
That’s everything you need to know about whether Dreams is multiplayer. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite.
Published: Feb 17, 2020 3:20 PM UTC