The Spyro Reignited Trilogy brings three PS1 classics, Spyro the Dragon, Ripto’s Rage, and Year of the Dragon back in all their glory with remade visuals and a few tweaks. The level design, however, remains exactly the same as the original games, and this includes any secret areas in the games. One such secret area can be found in Haunted Towers, and will reward you with a load of gems and a permanent super breath for the duration of the level. Here’s how to get to Haunted Towers secret area in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy.
It’s worth pointing out that you don’t have to head to this secret area if you don’t want to. But for any completionists out there, you’ll likely want to tick it off as you’ll find a ton of the gems you’re missing over here. In other words, if you want to 100% the game and level, you’ll need to make your way over here. If you’re just playing back through for fun, don’t stress yourself out too much with getting over there.
How to Reach Haunted Towers Secret Area in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy
You’ll want to play through Haunted Towers like normal until you reach the super charge ramp. Use the ramp to charge through the two metal doors and head into the room with five doors. Break the first one on your left and then use the fairy to get super breath and clear out the rest of the doors and possessed armors. Now head back up to the ramp.
This part can be tricky so you might need to do it a few times. What you need to do is charge down the ramp, through the first two doors, and then in the large room charge through the second door on your right. Once you’ve made it outside, immediately turn left and jump over to the platform.
From there, charge up the door you blew open earlier and up the ramp, then jump at the end and curve around to the left to reach a platform tucked away. Once you’re on that platform, take the whirlwind up and follow the hallway to a room with a large staircase. Again, this part can be a bit tricky.
What you need to do is run past all the armor quickly as a wizard at the top animates all of them. If you aren’t fast enough, one of the armors will block your way from continuing.
The best way is to run at Spyro’s normal speed and jump up all the stairs, then when you reach the top, charge past the last couple of armors. If you mess up, all you need to do is run back down the hallway you came from, then go back to the staircase and the armors will once again be on the floor.
Once you’ve reached the top torch by the wizard, in the small room you’ll find a helping of gems and a fairy that will give you permanent super breath for the duration of Haunted Towers, as long as you don’t die. Now you can make your way back down and destroy all of those annoying armor that made things so difficult.
That’s everything you need to know about how to get to Haunted Towers secret area in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. For even more tips, tricks, and guides on the Spyro Reignited Trilogy make sure to search Twinfinite. Before you go, though, here are a few other guides you might find helpful while playing.
- How Many Worlds There Are in Spyro the Dragon
- Where to Find Dream Weavers Secret Room
- How to Get the Stone Hill Chest Key
Published: Oct 18, 2022 8:55 AM UTC