How to Gain Weight, Get Fat & Lose Weight Fast in Red Dead Redemption 2
Red Dead Redemption 2 is an incredibly in-depth game. There’s so much to see and do and take into consideration outside of taking down other bad guys and escaping the law. You’ll need to ensure he stays hygienic… or not, and that he maintains a good weight. Here’s what you need to know to gain weight, get fat and lose weight fast in Red Dead Redemption 2 so you can be in complete control of your physique.
We’ve also broken down what impact being overweight and underweight has on Arthur in the game.
How to Gain Weight & Get Fat
As you might have guessed, in order to gain weight and get fat in Red Dead Redemption 2, it’s simply a case of eating an absolute ton of food. Think you only need one meal in order to replenish your health, stamina, and dead eye cores? Wrong!
You have an appetite like a horse, and so you’re going to have multiple meals at every opportunity.
It’s also worth noting that on top of eating multiple meals, you’ll want to make sure you’re eating regularly. If you forget to eat for a few days in-game, and then suddenly have two meals, that’s just going to bring you back to having consumed a normal amount of food.
As such, if you want Arthur to pile on the pounds, you’ll want to eat regularly and in large quantities.
Of course, once you start putting it on, chances are you’ll need to lose weight fast in Red Dead Redemption 2 if you do make Arthur overindulge himself too frequently.
How to Lose Weight Fast
If you’re wanting to lose weight in Red Dead Redemption 2, you’ll simply want to stop eating half as much, and eat less frequently, too. While you’ll still need to ensure you keep your cores nicely topped up, this doesn’t require you to eat regularly, or to eat multiple meals as you would be doing if you wanted to gain weight.
For example, if you just stopped by your camp every once in a while and helped yourself to a service of the campsite stew whenever it was available, that would likely be enough to help you lose weight over time.
Plus, it completely restores all of your cores, making it one of the best meals you can have in the game.
Your lbs aren’t just a cosmetic thing in Red Dead Redemption 2, either. It ultimately affects the gameplay a little bit in terms of Arthur’s health and stamina.
What Being Overweight and Underweight Does in Red Dead Redemption 2
Outside of Arthur looking a little bigger or skinnier than he did at the start of the game, being overweight and underweight does affect how Arthur plays.
If Arthur is on the hefty side in the game, you’ll be able to take more damage, but your stamina will take a hit, so you’ll need to break more frequently during strenuous activities.
On the contrary, if Arthur is too scrawny this is reversed. His stamina will improve, but he won’t be able to take as much damage. As such, you’ll want to manage your poundage in Red Dead Redemption 2 to find the perfect balance, or whatever feels right for you.
That’s all you need to know to gain weight, lose weight, and what effect it has in Red Dead Redemption 2. For more tips, tricks, and information on Rockstar’s latest game, be sure to check out our Red Dead Redemption 2 guide wiki.
Question: How to gain and/or lost weight in Red Dead Redemption 2?
Answer: Simply eat very often, or don’t eat for long periods of time.
Published: Oct 25, 2018 07:00 am