Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
When Super Smash Bros. was announced for Wii U and 3DS a few years ago, Nintendo fans went crazy. Not only were we getting two different Smash Bros. games with completely different stages and game modes, but it would also mark the first time that the fighting series has been released on a handheld system like the 3DS.
Even though Super Smash Bros. for 3DS took a hit when it came to graphical prowess and didn’t feature modes that the Wii U version had, such as 8-player smash, the game still had plenty to offer. In particular, its superb online multiplayer mode was a big hit, allowing players match up with their 3DS buddies or showcase their talents online versus random opponents. Contrary to what you might assume, with a stable internet connection there’s barely any lag and the 3DS hardware performs admirably during intense battles.
Mario Kart 7
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
Mario Kart 7 for the 3DS added in some pretty interesting new features that are now staples in the Mario Kart series; the inclusion of gliders, ability to drive underwater and the fully customizable karts made Mario Kart 7 shine when compared to past titles. It truly pushed 3DS’s hardware to the limit.
Playing online versus always went off without a hitch, and in general, races played as smooth as butter, even with the 3D effect turned all the way up. With thirty-two tracks, a ton of characters, and options to make specific rules for online races, Mario Kart 7 is the racer to choose when connecting online with your 3DS.
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
Pit’s long-awaited return on the 3DS was met with mixed reception, mostly due to the fact that it was painfully uncomfortable to play. So much, in fact, that the game came packed in with a 3DS stand to help alleviate the pain for players. Uncomfortable controls aside, however, Kid Icarus: Uprising had surprisingly excellent voice acting, was superbly well-written and featured an extremely fun 3-vs-3 online multiplayer mode that was reminiscent of Sakurai’s past games, such as Kirby Air Ride and Super Smash Bros.
The online matches pit three players against three players, or you can play in a free-for-all mode with up to six players. You can choose from a variety of weapons that support several different play styles before the battle begins and you can also pick up items on the battlefield to that help you damage your enemies. The multiplayer was surprisingly deep and provided tons of extra content for players who have finished the main story of Uprising.
Monster Hunter Generations
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
With the successful global launch of Monster Hunter: World on major consoles this past January, the franchise could not be any bigger than this moment in time right now. Newcomers and series veterans are on the Monster Hunter train, and if you’re looking for a version of the series to play on the go, then Monster Hunter Generations or even Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is your best bet.
If you’re familiar with the online component in Monster Hunter: World, then connecting online with other people in Monster Hunter Generations should be as easy as 123. With some pretty rad monsters to fight, weapons to try out, and how well it performs on the 3DS’s hardware, Monster Hunter is one of the best online experiences that you can have on Nintendo’s handheld console.
Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
There’s a lot of Pokemon and a lot of Pokemon games. With two generations of Pokemon spanning across the 3DS family of systems, there’s tons of fun to be had with the online component of each entry. The competitive scene in Pokemon is bigger than ever, and if you’re looking to battle some top-notch trainers in some fierce double battles or even trade someone for that highly coveted Pokemon, the 3DS games will have you covered. In particular, the newest entry in the series: Pokemon Ultra Sun and Pokemon Ultra Moon.
You may have to laboriously input some annoyingly lengthy friend codes to connect with your Poke-buddies, but it’ll be worth it to watch your friends get humiliated when you annihilate their Pokemon team with your collection of critters.
Fantasy Life
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
Fantasy Life not only lets you fully customize your character’s appearance, but you’ll also be choosing the sort of life you want to lead in this fantasy universe, too. You can choose between jobs such as a mercenary, miner, blacksmith, and a few others that will determine how you contribute to society. Each of the twelve jobs is totally different from one another, offering unique gameplay experiences that never feel stale or monotonous.
You can also connect online with friends to explore the open world, in which you can take on bosses and collect loot. Unfortunately, though, you can’t do main quests with other people, but there are tons of other options for you and your pals to choose from.
Resident Evil: Revelations
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
A cruise ship with terrifying zombie-like creatures is the perfect setting for a Resident Evil game if you ask me. Even more so than a creepy mansion. Revelations toned down the action that Resident Evil 5 and 6, harking back to the series’ survival horror roots where it all kicked off. Puzzles, tight corridors, and somewhat limited ammo gave fans of the original trilogy of games something to really enjoy on Nintendo’s handheld.
Revelations also came with a Raid Mode that let you and a partner take on bite-sized missions, completing objectives and working together to kill everything that comes into your peripheral vision. Raid Mode starts you off at level 1, and the more you play, the stronger you get, giving you access to higher-leveled weapons and more difficult stages. It’s super satisfying to play, making those daily commutes fly-by so quickly that you won’t want to get off the bus!
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
The Legend of Zelda has primarily been a single-player experience for the majority of the franchise’s history, except for the Four Swords spin-offs that feature four-player gameplay with four different-colored Links. Tri Force Heroes for the 3DS was a bit different than Four Swords, though, as the game was played cooperatively exclusively. It really demanded careful coordination between you are your buddy.
Using the same engine from A Link Between Worlds, Tri Force Heroes throws you and four other heroes into these bite-sized missions that required everyone to work together. Playing online with strangers usually worked for the most part, but since the title didn’t offer voice chat, the only way to communicate with your team is by using preset emotes. It makes things a little tricky, but even still, playing Tri Force Heroes online with friends and strangers alike still offered a good time to be had.
Final Fantasy Explorers
Best Online Multiplayer 3DS Games
Final Fantasy Explorers is what happens when you mix the monster-tracking and hunting that the Monster Hunter franchise offers with classic Final Fantasy job systems and fan-favorite characters. Explorers tasks you with defeating uber-powerful eidolons by your self or up to three other people in a team. The fan-service alone will keep you entertained, since Explorers lets you wear costumes inspired by famous characters like Sephiroth. It even lets you transform into these characters for a brief period of time during battle, allowing you to unleash special attacks to decimate your foes.
Final Fantasy Explorers isn’t your typical Final Fantasy game. Meaning you won’t find a deep and meaningful story. Instead, you’ll discover an awesome loot-based gameplay loop that’s so super addictive you’ll soon forget about any narrative shortcomings.
Published: Mar 16, 2018 6:59 PM UTC