As you explore the world of Manhattan you may find that you can’t get into some places because of locked doors. Well fear not, here’s how to pick the locks and get to where you want to be.
First off, you’re going to need to make sure you have lockpicks available. You can get lockpicks from random drops from just about anything in the world. Just make sure you’re keeping an eye out for any loot drops and checking it out to make sure you’re not left wanting when you need one.
Next, head over to the door you’re trying to get past and hold down the Square button on PS4, F on PC, and X on Xbox One. If you have a lockpick to use your character should now start going through an animation sequence of picking the lock. Give it a few seconds and there you have it, one picked lock.
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Published: Mar 9, 2016 12:37 pm