5 Ways to Avoid No Man’s Sky Over-Hype

Too much excitement can be a bad thing.

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Sure, No Man’s Sky is going to be a massive trip around the universe, but you know what’s even more massive and mysterious than that? Our own universe. If you’re into space, there are so many cool things to look into and learn about our own universe, to take your mind off of No Man’s Sky, at least for a little while. Plus, when it’s time to play No Man’s Sky, you might have a better understanding of some of the things you see in-game! You don’t need to open up a text book or anything either, there’s a lot of awesome stuff you can see and read about online.

Go explore the space tag populated by the fine folks over at Gizmodo where you’ll find a ton of interesting and easy to read articles about our solar system and beyond. /r/space is another place to see new pictures and news about space that trickle out to the masses. Hell, just type something you’re interested in learning about into Wikipedia even. Just make sure the sources are legit. Try not to get too depressed though when you learn about how difficult actual interstellar travel or terraforming (making another planet more earth like) really is.

Each of these methods should help you bring that uncontrollable hype into a much more manageable realm. There’s nothing worse than letting your own excitement ruin an experience for you.

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.