5 Ways to Avoid No Man’s Sky Over-Hype

Too much excitement can be a bad thing.

Scratch That Sci-Fi Itch

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no man's sky

Maybe what has you desperately awaiting No Man’s Sky is a need for something sci-fi. That’s perfectly understandable as a lot of the science fiction offerings in video games tend to end up relatively the same. Hello Games’ latest title offers something new with its procedurally generated endlessness, and we as humans have always been curious creatures. There are other ways to scratch that itch though so that all the weight doesn’t rest upon one game’s shoulders.

There are countless movies, books, and other games that you can jump into. Perhaps the Technomancer and its struggling Mars colonies if you’re looking for a game. For reading, why not “Ender’s Game” or “The Martian”? There’s no shortage of movies, but since No Man’s Sky is about exploring where no man has gone before, you can check out the new Star Trek film in theaters right now.

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.