4 Mistakes We Pray Game Devs Stop Making in 2016

Let's leave these things in the past, please.

Announcing Games Way Too Early

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This is something that has probably been requested to be left behind for years. Yet we still have companies unveiling games much too early to generate hype, and that’s not always a good thing. Some projects just have the ability to keep an audience enraptured for years as it waits for some gaming goodness. But those are few and far in between. Most tend to overstay their welcome on the trailer/teaser circuit leaving many to move on to newer and perhaps better things.

Don’t get us wrong, it’s difficult to find that perfect window to announce something where it won’t be overshadowed by something else. On top of that, gaming development is difficult. Things happen that are beyond human control, so delays happen. But, announcing a game yet having nothing available for years is odd, and sometimes worrisome. Games like Quantum Break and No Man’s Sky have been floating on the horizon for over two years, while hundreds of games that were announced afterwards have been released to high praise. 2015 brought more to the table that won’t be seen for some time with Horizon: Zero Dawn (available Holiday 2016) and a few other games that have been light on information. 

Maybe the Fallout 4 method should be adopted. Announce a game when it’s being wrapped up with an amazing trailer, release a few cool gameplay details, and have the game on shelves within six months. Sure, in the current age of leaks and the need to know every little thing by the masses, this can be incredibly difficult. But, if Bethesda can do it with such a huge game, others can figure out how to do the same thing.

Is there anything you’d be happy to see go away in 2016? Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below.

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Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.