The War for Cybertron trilogy tells an exciting new story about the conflict between the Autobots and Decepticons in the Transformers universe. The final part in the trilogy, titled Kingdom, is set to start airing on Netflix on July 29, and a new trailer has just been released.
You can check it out for yourself down below:
Here’s the official synopsis:
“Now the Autobots must team up with the Maximals to confront the Decepticons, who have joined forces with the Predacons, in the race to find the missing AllSpark. However, the Predacons are in control of the Golden Disk, a mysterious artifact which has a personal connection to Megatron and gives him an untold advantage over his enemy, Optimus Prime. Which faction will triumph in the final battle that will decide the fate of Cybertron’s future?”
Transformers: War for Cybertron – Kingdom will air on Netflix on July 29.
Published: Jul 5, 2021 10:11 pm