Teased last year, Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is a new animated series based on Capcom’s popular survival horror franchise. The show stars Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield, the two main protagonists of Resident Evil 2, and also sees the return of their voice actors from the remake, Nick Apostolides and Stephanie Panisello.
The show finally has a set release date, and will make its debut on Netflix on July 8. You can check out the new full length trailer down below:
The show picks up when Leon is sent to investigate a breach of security at the White House and is forced to deal with a sudden zombie attack. Meanwhile, Claire, who is already working with TerraSave, finds a picture drawn by a boy and takes it to Leon, who sees there may be some connection between that and the attack.
The show is set to air on July 8, exclusively on Netflix.
Published: May 18, 2021 10:37 pm