Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness is a new CGI animated series coming to Netflix in July, based off of Capcom’s popular survival horror franchise. We’ve already seen a couple of trailers, and we know that RE2 protagonists Leon and Claire will be featured in this one, and Netflix has just released an opening clip of the show to give us a taste of what it’ll be like.
You can check out the first three minutes of the show in the clip down below:
While we don’t get to see Leon and Claire in action, we do follow the Mad Dogs military team flying across a city in a chopper, seemingly on the hunt for something on the ground. The clip doesn’t offer a lot of story details, but the animation definitely looks good, and marks a huge improvement from past Resident Evil CGI movies.
Resident Evil: Infinite Darkness will air on Netflix on July 8.
Published: Jun 10, 2021 09:52 pm