The Princess Diaries is a beloved film series from Disney that still holds up well even today, years after its original release. Starring Anne Hathaway, who originally played a teen who learned she was the princess of Genovia, the first movie followed her journey towards accepting her status as royalty. The second movie fared a little worse, but it was still a worthy watch nonetheless.
According to a new report from The Hollywood Reporter, The Princess Diaries is set to make a comeback with a third movie at Disney. Contrary to what fans may be expecting, however, this isn’t a reboot or anything of the sort. Instead, it’s going to be a continuation of the Anne Hathaway-led movies, which seems to suggest that the actress herself may return to the IP.
That said, the report does mention that Hathaway does not have a deal to star in the third movie, though this could always change in the future. The Princess Diaries 3’s script will be penned by Aadrita Mukerji, best known for her work on Reacher and Supergirl, and the movie will be produced by Debra Martin Chase.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 08:18 pm