Remedy Entertainment’s long-awaited sequel whisks players back to Bright Falls to investigate a series of mysterious and grisly murders. On this nail-biting survival horror adventure, you’ll likely want to know how to save your game in Alan Wake 2. Worry not, as that’s where we come in.
How Do I Save in Alan Wake 2?
Much like in the original, Alan Wake 2 employs an auto-save feature that triggers at certain checkpoints. This is signified by a circular symbol and the words ‘Game Saved’ popping up in the top-right corner of your screen, as shown in the image below. Thing is, these specific checkpoints can be quite far apart, but thankfully, there’s another method of saving as well.

Alan Wake 2 also implements a Quicksave and Manual Save system that can be activated by interacting with a Break Room Thermos, which is pictured in the image below. These Break Rooms are dotted across the main story, though they can be quite a distance from each other. For instance, the first Break Room in the game isn’t until Chapter 2, which takes about an hour to reach.

It’s worth noting that there are only three available save slots for manual saves, so being mindful about when and where you save is highly recommended. Luckily, there’s no limit when it comes to using these three save slots; unlike, say, old-school Resident Evil and its Ink Ribbon system.
Meanwhile, Quicksave does exactly what it says on the tin and quickly saves over your latest save slot.
And there you have it! Now that you know how to save your game in Alan Wake 2, why not take a gander at our further coverage down below? And for more tips, tricks, reviews, and guides, you’re in the perfect place at Twinfinite.
Published: Oct 27, 2023 12:00 am