The Vex Offensive, the key new activity that will be live during Destiny 2’s Season of the Undying, is now out and it adds a key new currency. Vex Mind Components are a legendary currency that are used to get the new Undying weapons. Here’s how to grind out and get Vex Mind Components as fast and easily as possible.
How to Get Vex Mind Components in Destiny 2’s Season of the Undying
Farming them is actually quite easy in Destiny 2’s Season of the Undying. There’s not really a trick, or a major hoop you need to jump through.
All you need to do is first have Vex Offensive unlocked by completing Eyes on the Moon if you haven’t already. Then, visit Ikora and take the bounties the offers, the blue ones on the top row with the Vex symbol on it.
These will not only reward XP, but will also reward Vex Mind Components upon completion. This currency can then be used to purchase the Data Seed bounties which will reward you with the Vex-themed weapons with random rolls.
Utilize these Data Seed bounties to keep rolling your favorite new weapons until you get the god roll that you want.
If you run out of the Vex Offensive bounties, you can re-roll a random bounty by selecting the 3000 Glimmer option from Ikora. Obviously it’s a lot more expensive than the daily ones, and you will eventually cap out of those too, but if Glimmer is not a problem for you it’s a good way to farm more of them faster and get some extra XP too.
That’s all you need to know for how to get Vex Mind Components fast and easily in Destiny 2’s Season of the Undying. For more tips, tricks, and FAQs answered, be sure to check out our wiki guide for year 3 of Destiny 2.
Complete daily bounties from Ikora Ray in the Tower.
Published: Oct 7, 2019 3:28 PM UTC