Offensive Overwatch character Pharah has a trophy that tasks you with killing four enemies in a row without touching the ground while in Quick or Competitive play. When the game first launched, Pharah had a much harder time staying in the air then she does now. Although her Jump Jet ability remains the same, back in November 2016 her hover jets got a huge buff that drastically changed her mobility.
Her lift while hovering is now 35% more effective, meaning she can stay in the air for a noticeably longer time. Before this buff, getting four consecutive kills while airborne meant using her ult at opportune moments. Nowadays, getting the Death From Above trophy just requires you to be a helpful Pharah player, finishing off kills while your teammates fight on the ground and alternating hovering with your Jump Jets to stay up, making this trophy now one of the easiest in the game.
To get this achievement, you must destroy three of an enemy Symmetra’s Teleporters in a single Quick Play or Competative Overwatch game, and two major changes to Symmetra’s ultimate ability have made The Path Is Closed achievement dang near impossible to get.
The first and less important change is that Symmetra’s Teleporter had its health decreased from 200 to 50, with 350 shields added back in November. This meant that if an attacker found and began damaging the Teleporter but was deterred or killed in the process, it could regain its shields instead of remaining at low health so only a few more bullets would finish the job.
Secondly, and most importantly, during that same November patch Symmetra was the first hero to receive a choice of ultimate, also allowing her to deploy a Shield Generator that grants additional shields to teammates within a certain radius. It turns out the The Path Is Closed achievement will only work if you are destroying three Teleporters in one game, not three Shield Generators or a combination of the two. So for example if you’re on Anubis on attack and the enemy Symmetra is using Teleporters to get her teammates back to Point A as quickly as possible, and you are able to destroy two of those before capturing the point, when she then starts using a Shield Generator to protect Point B (as any good Symmetra would do), tough luck as there’s no chance in you getting the achievement.
It would make a lot more sense for Blizzard to simply adjust this achievement so three of Symmetra’s ultimates have to be destroyed (either Teleporter or Shield Generator), but so far it has remained frustratingly the same.
Bastion’s Triple Threat achievement has you kill two enemy players while in each of Bastion’s three different configurations (Recon, Sentry, and Tank) in a single Quick or Competitive game without dying.
A good strategy for this one is to hang back and get the Recon kills first, then Sentry Kills, and save his Tank ultimate ability for last in the hopes to pick off two players while ulting. In the beginning, the hardest part about getting this achievement was just staying alive while in Bastion’s Recon configuration. Bastion’s gun is weakest in Recon mode, and since Bastion isn’t the most mobile character being out in the open and running around in Recon while trying to get kills would make him extremely vulnerable.
This achievement got significantly easier when Bastion got numerous buffs in February that increased his clip size in Recon from 20 to 25, Reconfiguration time was decreased from 1.5 seconds to 1 second, a new passive Ironclad ability that allowed Bastion to take 35% less damage while in Sentry or Tank (later changed to 20%), and finally Bastion was now able to self-heal while moving without enemy fire disrupting its process. All this factors aided in Bastion’s survivability, meaning it is now easier to stay alive while picking off two enemy character in each of this three configurations.
One of the hardest achievement in Overwatch, Waste Note, Want Not, requires you to get three solo kills with a single clip of Reaper’s shotguns in a Quick Play or Competitive game. As tough as this sounds, a buff to Reaper has made this even harder to achieve.
Just recently in June, Reaper received a buff that was meant to improve his escape ability, allowing him to automatically reload whenever Wraith Form is used so if an enemy player follows you then you have a better chance at defending yourself. The patch notes state, “Wraith Form is typically used as an escape ability after firing. This change gives Reaper a fighting chance if an enemy chases him down as he uses it.”
However, this change means whenever you use Wraith Form to escape you would technically be reloading and negating all the solo kills you could have gotten with your clip thus far. Wraith Form is a key skill in surviving long enough while still being frugal with your shots in order to get three solo kills in one go, so now not only do you have to get three solo kills without dying, you have to do it without using one of Reaper’s most important skills as well.
In order to get McCree’s It’s High Noon achievement, you have to kill four enemy players with one use of his Deadeye ultimate ability in a Quick Play or Competitive Game. Due to McCree’s loud voice line indicating whenever his ultimate is being used, coupled with the angelic aura of light that surrounds him during, killing off enemies before they turn and kill you yourself can be a challenge.
McCree’s Deadeye just recently got some huge buffs in June to balance how difficult it was to stay alive while ulting. Now targets begin locking on after 0.2 seconds instead of 0.8 seconds, and the damage accumulated in the first second increased from 20 to 80. So not only does McCree lock on faster now, much more damage can be inflicted in just the first second, meaning he could pick off a few squishy characters if things start getting too hairy and he wants to back off. This buffs will surly make getting McCree’s It’s Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh Noon achievement significantly easier.
Which achievements have you yet to get? Or are you one of the lucky few who have platinumed the game? Let us know down below.
Published: Jul 13, 2017 5:02 PM UTC