Cristiano Ronaldo Has Influenced the Experience
Continuing the tradition of a cover star, FIFA 18’s is Real Madrid’s very own living legend Cristiano Ronaldo. However, it’s not just his appearance that EA has used for the upcoming title, but his performance on the pitch, too. The developers got in contact with the soccer star and used his training session data to capture all kinds of details from acceleration, skills, run cadence, and shooting technique. All of this will make the player perform and act on the pitch in FIFA 18 just as he does in real life.
However, it’s not just Cristiano Ronaldo himself who will benefit from this data in the game. According to the official website, this data also “informed important gameplay elements including fluidity, player responsiveness, and explosiveness.” As a result, expect more nimble-feeling players and faster-paced action.
Legends Make Way for ICONS
The Ultimate Team game mode has been a pretty big deal in the FIFA franchise for quite some time, as players build their own dream team and compete against others online. Since the Xbox One launched, its version of the game has always included Legends in Ultimate Team – some of the biggest and best players who have since retired. Legends never made their way into Ultimate Team on other versions, that is, until now.
Legends have been scrapped and ICONs will now replace them across all platforms. Whether you’re on PS4, Xbox One, or PC, you’ll have the chance of grabbing the likes of Ronaldo Nazario to bolster your team. Specifics on exactly which other players will be ICONs in FIFA 18 remains to be seen, but we’ll be sure to update you as and when EA reveals them.
The Journey Will Return
With FIFA 17, EA introduced an all-new game mode called The Journey. Players were put in control of a young up and comer named Alex Hunter and followed his first season in the English Premier League both on and off the pitch. What team you played for, how you responded to interview questions, and what you said to teammates off the pitch was in your hands, and the game mode was a smash hit with many fans.
While EA had already announced that fans would be getting a second season of The Journey, yesterday’s reveal trailer‘s small print gave us its name and confirmed the return of the budding talent. Called, The Journey: Hunter Returns, we can pretty much assume that we’ll be guiding Hunter through the next stages of his career. Few other details have been revealed on the game mode, so expect EA to reveal more during its EA Play conference this weekend.
The Switch Version Is a Little Inferior
As some Nintendo Switch owners had feared, the Nintendo Switch version of FIFA 18 isn’t quite the same you’re going to be grabbing on Xbox One or PS4. In fact, it’s looking like it’ll be more in line with the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game, unfortunately.
Currently, thanks to the small print in the reveal trailer from yesterday, we know that Nintendo Switch version will not run on the Frostbite Engine, nor will it feature The Journey: Hunter Returns. If the Switch version is, in fact, the same as the 360 and PS3 versions, you can expect the Pro Clubs multiplayer mode to be absent in FIFA 18 on the Switch, too. When we get more confirmation regarding the Switch version, we’ll be sure to let you know.
Release Date and Special Editions
Alongside all of the fresh gameplay news for FIFA 18 yesterday, we also got the all-important release date, as well as some pre-order and special edition details.
Players have three different editions to choose from. The standard edition needs no explanation, but the Ronaldo and ICON editions include a number of Ultimate Team-related content. If you’re looking for a full breakdown of everything in each of the game’s different editions, as well as pre-order bonuses, be sure to check out our comprehensive breakdown here.
FIFA 18 will release on Xbox One, PS4, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, and PC on Sept. 28.
Published: Jun 6, 2017 4:27 PM UTC