smash bros, overwatch

5 Overwatch Characters That Make the Most Sense for Smash Bros. Ultimate


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Reinhardt is one of the most popular Tanks of choice when it comes to Overwatch. His giant shield allows teammates a safe space to hide behind as they deal damage to the opposing team.

What makes Reinhardt a great Hero to bring into Smash Bros. Ultimate is not just his giant shield, but his massive Rocket Hammer that he uses to dish massive damage to his nearby opponents.

With Smash Bros. Ultimate being a fighting game, most of the combat takes place in close quarters, and Reinhardt is a master at CQC.

Another easily transitional ability into Smash Bros. Ultimate is his shield, Barrier Field. For anyone that has played Smash, you know that every character that blocks has a bubble shield that appears and breaks over time.

In Overwatch, Reinhardt’s shield acts in a very similar manner, making it easy to bring into the game.

Finally, Reinhardt’s Ultimate, Earthshatter, would make for an explosive ability in Smash Bros. Ultimate, especially in games that contain more than one opponent.

Being able to stun all enemies in the vicinity of Earthshatter would allow Reinhardt to rack up massive damage and take a few stocks in the process.

While there are plenty of Overwatch characters that would make great additions to the cast, these are only a few of the ones we feel would make an easy transition to become a Smash Bros. Ultimate guest character.

Let us know in the comments below what characters you would like to see in the game, and stay tuned to Twinfinite for more great articles and game guides!

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Image of Zach Stevens
Zach Stevens
Journalism Graduate who loves to write about games as long as someone is willing to about them. Playing Games Since: 1990 Favorite Genres: Competitive games, RPGs, Looter Shooters, Action-Adventure and anything with Zelda in the title.