Robotic Bees to Step in For Extinct Ones
This one is depressing because it isn’t out of the realm of possibility. In fact, there’s already talks about robotic bees and/or drone pollinators stepping in to help or even replace real bees as they face rapidly dwindling numbers.
In Detroit: Become Human’s grim timeline, bees only exist in captivity and are completely extinct in the wild (EW). Colony Collapse Disorder, a real-life phenomenon that is currently plaguing bees, occurs when worker bees abandon the colony leaving all the others to fend for themselves and likely die.
We’re still learning about why CCD occurs, and how to counter it properly, but in Detroit: Become Human, our efforts have clearly failed. In this universe, they confirmed our suspicions that pesticides are the problem and CyberTech, the company behind the androids we all know and love from the game, are working on robotic bees to replace them, while other companies are still working to try and revive the organic bee population.
Android Soldiers Fighting Wars
On the surface, this actually might sound like a “good” thing, since androids being used in wars instead of humans sounds like we have inched closer to the utopia of Battlebots being the primary way we solve problems here on Earth. In reality, though, these android soldiers are likely used for small skirmishes and the “World War 3” that Detroit: Become Human constantly teases, would still feature human soldiers and casualties.
In fact, wars with androids would probably be even bloodier since unlike humans that suffer from human errors, androids would likely be far more accurate, and deadlier with a weapon. The more technology progresses, the less likely we’ll be able to recover from another massive world war. The existence of war-androids will likely just make thing even worse.
In Detroit: Become Human, we learn that there is already an estimated 200,000 android units, with humans staying on as commanders and strategists. 2,500 of those units are elite super-soldiers capable of carrying out assassination missions that would usually be reserved for the navy seals.
VR Concerts Being the Norm
It’s one thing to have VR as an option for concerts, that is something that will probably become quite widespread as the years pass. In the world of Detroit: Become Human though, VR concert going is apparently so widespread, that there is a movement to try and revive live concert going which has faded. Adding to that depressing reality, android boyband groups are also all the rage and are winning awards too.
The fictional Gossips Weekly article does make a compelling point for VR concerts which is popular among young people: it’s cheap, safe and you always get to experience it from the best seat in the house. The article is about introducing Nina & Kosuke’s campaign to revive musical festivals and live concerts in a way to “de-revolutionize” live music.
“The culture of going to live concerts is a thing of the past, but we want to bring that back. Real music is when it’s vibrating through your soul, surrounded by people who are experiencing the same thing,” said Chuck Morrison, a fake spokesperson.
It’s a pretty compelling read especially considering it’s from a fake gossip column in a video game.
Androids Spying on You
So many people are already paranoid about the government and/or big businesses being able to spy on you through your devices. Whether it’s through your in-home assistants like Google or Amazon Echo, your webcam, or just the old-school method of peeping on your browser history, private information is feared to be collected and sold to either businesses, advertisers, the government and who knows whom else.
In Detroit: Become Human, however, this fear/reality has been taken to the next level. Fictional magazine Tech Addicts reports that CyberLife could be selling information gained from its customers, and also links the company to President Warren, given their close relationship and how accepting the US Government has been to android tech versus other countries in this universe.
Humans in Detroit: Become Human, are very comfortable having intimate conversations with their androids. Just look at how close Marcus was with his handler, Carl Manfred. You could be confessing to your android your deepest darkest secret, and instantly, the government has access to that information. Then again though, we saw how deviant androids can have a mind of their own, so if you’re on their good side, your secret might be safe with them.
Android Lovin’
This one is obvious, right? At some point, you have to imagine that we will eventually reach the point where having non-human boyfriends/girlfriends will be possible if nothing else because there will be tons of money in for whoever perfects it first. Capitalism is beautiful, isn’t it?
In Detroit: Become Human, humans have gone full speed ahead in android-love technology. There are brothels where you can customize your own sexual experiences with androids. Fictional magazine, Gossips Weekly did a survey of men and found that 68% of men prefer sex with an android to sex with a real woman and that 52% of men have tried it before.
And even beyond just sex, it’s easy to see why people might end up falling in love with their androids. For many people, androids are their best friends, and they care for each other deeply. When deviancy kicks in, that love can grow from an artificially designed one to something actually real.
Published: Jun 4, 2018 03:03 pm