actors that should play batman, considered, after ben afleck

5 Actors Who Should Totally Play Batman Next

Actors That Should Take Over As the Batman

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Wyatt Russell

Mostly known for his supporting characters Wyatt Russell hasn’t really had a breakthrough in Hollywood yet. But that doesn’t mean he should go overlooked. While many of his performances to date have been fairly comedic his breakout role in last years action/horror Overlord, proved that he does have the chops to be an action star.

One of the biggest complaints The DC Cinematic Universe has had so far is that it lacks the humor and charm that has made Marvel’s filmography so successful. Wyatt Russell excels in both action and comedy. That might just make him the perfect person to help lighten up that dark tone that the Batman franchise has kind of worn thin.

Wyatt Russell has some of the same advantages for him as Steven Yeun. That being that he is fairly unknown to the general audience. It is always easier for an actor to be accepted into a role when they aren’t carrying the weight of their past work on their shoulders.

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Image of Nolan Mackey
Nolan Mackey
A former freelance writer for Twinfinite, Nolan focused his time writing news on all of the biggest games coming to PC and consoles. When he wasn't writing, he was busy fine-tuning his Hearthstone deck or watching the latest goings-on in the esports scene.