10 Crazy Predictions for Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct That Definitely Won’t Happen
Out of all the rumors that have fans in a tizzy about the next Pokemon is the possibility that it may move away from the turn-based style that has been a staple of the franchise. Getting confirmation on that would certainly be super newsworthy.
10 Crazy Predictions for Tomorrow’s Nintendo Direct That Definitely Won’t Happen
For the love of Mario Nintendo just tell us already whether a new Smash or Wii U Port of Super Smash Bros. is happening this year just so people stop predicting it every time Nintendo announces a Nintendo Direct.
10 Crazy Predictions for Tomorrow’s Direct That Definitely Won’t Happen
Nintendo pulls a Lemonade and either announce an awesome game fans are clamoring and reveals that it’s available right now, or just decides to release something like the new Yoshi game right then and there.
Nintendogs, one of the forgotten (by Nintendo) but beloved franchises of the DS era is so due for a new game. The portability of the Switch would give the system what it needs to properly support a revival.
Pokemon Snap would break the collective internet for anyone that grew up with a Nintendo 64 and loved Pokemon. Please Nintendo make our dreams come true.
A sequel for The World Ends With You would feel right at home on the Switch as both a portable and home console game, and the added power of the system would help realize The World Ends With You better than ever before.
OK so Nintendo announced that Zelda DLC is over with and Breath of the Wild is assumed to be complete. Well…. does that mean we can maybe learn something about what the future holds then? Probably not but we can dream. Maybe a surprise season 2 of content?
Anything Kingdom Hearts III related sets off fans into a frenzy. People love hearing about third-party switch games. Combine these two together, and it would be absolute madness.
At this point F-Zero is the poster child for forgotten Nintendo exclusives. The popularity of Captain Falcon has spurred interest in the old racing series. Because requesting it has basically become a meme at this point, it actually appearing might even overshadow all of the other crazy ideas on this list.
Published: Mar 7, 2018 03:26 pm