Madden NFL 22 Training Points are incredibly important in the MUT game mode. These points enable you to further improve and level up your player cards, making them even more lethal on the playing field. In this guide, we’ll run you through how to get Training Points in Madden 22 fast and easy, so you don’t have to worry about earning them so much.
As we mentioned above, Training Points are essential if you’re looking to upgrade players in your squad. Upgrading players allows you to unlock some players’ unique abilities like Superstar Abilities or X-Factors, which can give you the edge in a game.
These upgrades require a lot of Training Points, however, and these aren’t always that easy to come by.
Getting Training Points in Madden 22
There are a couple of ways you can actually earn Training Points in Madden 22. These are:
- Quicksell Players
- Completing MUT Challenges
Complete MUT Challenges to Earn Training Points
Alongside simply being able to play matches with your team, you can also complete MUT Challenges. These tasks you with meeting certain objectives in drills or matches. The best ones for earning Madden 22 Training Points are the Weekly Solos challenges or Head to Head challenges.
Not all challenges will earn you Training Points, but others will earn you player cards, which can be quicksold for them, as we’ve detailed below.
Quicksell Players
The easiest way to get Training Points in Madden 22 is to simply sell any MUT cards that you’re not using in your squad. The higher their overall rating, the more Training Points you’ll get for them. We’ve listed all of the MUT card values below:
- 62-65 Overall: 4 Training Points
- 66-69 Overall: 6 Training Points
- 70 Overall: 10 Training Points
- 71 Overall: 12 Training Points
- 72 Overall: 15 Training Points
- 73 Overall: 18 Training Points
- 74 Overall: 21 Training Points
- 75 Overall: 26 Training Points
- 76 Overall: 31 Training Points
- 77 Overall: 38 Training Points
- 78 Overall: 46 Training Points
- 79 Overall: 56 Training Points
- 80 Overall: 110 Training Points
- 81 Overall: 160 Training Points
- 82 Overall: 230 Training Points
- 83 Overall: 340 Training Points
- 84 Overall: 490 Training Points
- 85 Overall: 710 Training Points
- 86 Overall: 1030 Training Points
- 87 Overall: 1500 Training Points
- 88 Overall: 2180 Training Points
- 89 Overall: 3150 Training Points
- 90 Overall: 5000 Training Points
That’s everything you need to know on how to get Training Points in Madden NFL 22. For more tips, tricks and guide, search for Twinfinite, or see more of our coverage on the game below.
Published: Aug 26, 2021 10:24 AM UTC